Je suis un homme de plaisir simple: une batte de base-ball, un fouet électrique, une bombe incendiaire et un machin qui pose des scies circulaires. #deadcells #jv
"Banger", définition :
#DeadCells | #YoannLaulan
#NeonPromenade | #NeonPromenade1997
#Musique | #Electro
#OST | #BandeOriginale | #BO
#deadcells #YoannLaulan #NeonPromenade #NeonPromenade1997 #musique #electro #ost #bandeoriginale #bo
Les livraisons du samedi 12 août 2023 :
#Nintendo #Switch #NintendoSwitch #Tunic #AndrewShouldice #Finji #Fangamer #DeadCells #DeadCellsReturnToCastlevania #DeadCellsReturnToCastlevaniaSignatureEdition #MotionTwin #MergeGames #Merge
#nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch #tunic #andrewshouldice #finji #fangamer #deadcells #deadcellsreturntocastlevania #deadcellsreturntocastlevaniasignatureedition #motiontwin #mergegames #merge
Mañana haré unboxing de esta joya que he adquirido hoy.
#deadcellsreturntocastlevania #deadcells #signatureedition
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania - Music review by Zack Hubbard
"This soundtrack is a wonderful return to Castlevania that had me smiling the whole way through."
#Castlevania #DeadCells #DeadCellsReturnToCastlevania #videogames #vgm
#castlevania #deadcells #deadcellsreturntocastlevania #vgm #videogames
I mean ❤️
#DeadCells X #Castlevania
#deadcells #castlevania #SteamDeck
Enfin sorti :) #DeadCells #Castlevania #OST
Funny how I can bounce right off a game then come back to it later and become completely addicted.
I didn't "get" Dead Cells when I first played it a few years ago, but decided on a whim to give it another chance the other day and it's really gotten its hooks into me.
I seem to remember having no patience to learn its (not all that complex) mechanics. Maybe I was just feeling burnt out and needed something I could pick up with as little brainpower required as possible.
Hay alguien que esté jugando #DeadCells? Acaba de actualizarse a Return to Castlevania
La bande originale du DLC Return to Castlevania de Dead Cells est enfin disponible 😱
#deadcells #returntocastlevania #ost
So, the next thing that I showed to my kids (since they really like rouge like games) was #deadcells of course.
I've played it a lot before and not even once noticed a blood stains apeearing here and there. Apparently there is an options to disable it. Found it a little bit late though.
今年 #Steam 夏特預計買這些,還在思考要不要買 #DeadCells :ablobthinkingeyes:
#steam #deadcells #steamsummersale
#introduccion Buenas, mi nombre es vs1m3 no tengo mucha experiencia en plataformas en general, soy un novato aun en esto.
Tengo intereses varios como los #videojuegos principalmente juegos con estilo retro como #DeadCells pero aun así muchos otros tmb captan mi atención
Participé un tiempo en la comunidad de mods de #rustedwarfare y tengo experiencia en ello.
Espero poder contribuir a la plataforma de manera activa y resputuosa. :)
#introduccion #videojuegos #deadcells #rustedwarfare
Dead cells 的 DLC 該全買嗎 :ablobthinkingeyes:
#DeadCells is really gonna consume my schedule, huh?
#pcgaming #videogames #deadcells
🇪🇸 Ayer planeaba streamear pero el cansancio me la ganó. Hoy estoy de ánimo de roguelikes y metroidvanias así que vamos con #DeadCells !!!
Pase y salude
🇺🇸 Yesterday I was planning to stream, but tiredness got the best of me. Today I'm in the mood for roguelikes and metroidvanias, so let's go with #DeadCells!!!
Come and say hi!
#deadcells #vtuber #vtubing #vtuberes #3dvtuber