With #TedLasso watched, my wife and I are finally getting around to #TheWalkingDead: #DeadCity.
#tedlasso #thewalkingdead #deadcity #tv
The Walking Dead: Dead City 1x06: "Doma Smo": This episode basically pushing Negan and Maggie into discovering they are more alike than they would like to admit. Mostly something that Maggie needs to recognize, since Negan has always been the one to reach out more. But regardless, it makes this season feel incomplete, since this episode only exists to set up a second season. #thewalkingdead #deadcity
Lauren Cohan knows what her last line in #TheWalkingDead: #DeadCity season finale means, but she's not telling. https://ew.com/tv/walking-dead-dead-city-lauren-cohan-maggie-season-finale-final-line/
TV TONIGHT (July 23)
#SpecialOpsLioness #DeadCity #TheLazarusProject #SeeYouInMy19thLife #TheFoodThatBuiltAmerica #TheMegaBrandsThatBuiltAmerica #MLB #NASCAR #OpenChampionship #ToughAsNails #TheChosen #CelebrityFamilyFeud #Bunkd #LookWhosStalking
#lookwhosstalking #bunkd #CelebrityFamilyFeud #TheChosen #toughasnails #OpenChampionship #nascar #mlb #themegabrandsthatbuiltamerica #thefoodthatbuiltamerica #seeyouinmy19thlife #TheLazarusProject #deadcity #specialopslioness
A #DeadCity nekem összességében tetszett. A megvalósítás szempontjából jó volt valami újat látni. Negan hozta a formáját. Maggie viszont még mindig unszimpatikus. Nekem az volt az érzésem, hogy bár azt tudjuk, miképpen nem tud megbocsátani Negannak, és nem is felejti el, amit tett - és ez oké is -, de egyszerűen nem bír tovább lépni. Menet közben egyfolytában a múlton rágódik, ahelyett, hogy pontot tenne végre a végére. Remélem a következő évadban lesz egy karakter fejlődése.
AMC Renews "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon" for Second Seasons
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/07/amc-renews-dead-city-daryl-dixon-season-2.html #TheWalkingDeadDeadCity #TheWalkingDeadDarylDixon #TWDDeadCity #TWDDarylDixon #DeadCity #DarylDixon #TWD #AMC
#amc #twd #DarylDixon #deadcity #twddaryldixon #twddeadcity #thewalkingdeaddaryldixon #thewalkingdeaddeadcity
#AMCTV has renewed both #TheWalkingDead: #DeadCity and The Walking Dead: #DarylDixon for second seasons.
#amctv #thewalkingdead #deadcity #daryldixon
Pues de momento #DeadCity bastante bien
Mejor que las últimas cosas de la serie principal y desde luego infinitamente mejor que Fear
(no pude ni con 10 minutos de la última temporada, tremendo tostonazo)
TV TONIGHT (July 16)
#RHONY #BarbieDreamHouseChallenge #Goliath #90DayFianceUK #NakedAndAfraidLastOneStanding #Wimbledon #MsMatch #KidsInACage #TheChosen #NightmareSchoolMoms #Grantchester #ToughAsNails #GoldCup2023 #DeadCity #TheFoodThatBuiltAmerica
#thefoodthatbuiltamerica #deadcity #goldcup2023 #toughasnails #grantchester #nightmareschoolmoms #TheChosen #kidsinacage #msmatch #Wimbledon #nakedandafraidlastonestanding #90dayfianceuk #goliath #barbiedreamhousechallenge #rhony
The Walking Dead: Dead City 1x05: "Stories We Tell Ourselves": I didn't realize that this season was only six episodes. Given the pacing, it feels like there is a lot more story than could possibly be wrapped up in the season finale. Especially since they just introduced who seems to be the real villain in the story. This episode has its moments, but suffers from keeping Negan and Maggie apart. #thewalkingdead #deadcity
The Walking Dead: Dead City 1x04: "Everybody Wins a Prize": This one has some interesting action sequences, but in terms of plot, there's only minimal progression. A lot of people die in this episode, but I was not given much reason to care. Throwing Negan and Armstrong together is a nice move, which hopefully will add in some fun conflict. On the other hand, it takes away from the core Maggie-Negan dynamic. #thewalkingdead #deadcity
The Walking Dead: Dead City 1x03: "People Are a Resource": There's some interesting character exploration here, but it also only exists because they intentionally dialed back all the progress Maggie and Negan had made in the final seasons of TWD. So it feels like a bit of a retread. Meanwhile, we get to see more of the Croat's cruelty. It feels very much like a retread of previous villains as well. #thewalkingdead #deadcity
Happy #walkingdead #deadcity 🗽 Loving this show. #Negan #MaggieRhee
#walkingdead #deadcity #Negan #maggierhee
#ToughAsNails #EndeavourPBS #MarriedToEvil #TheIdol #LoveIsBlindBrazil #EssenceFestOnHulu #WhenSharksAttack #MLB #NASCAR #90DayFiance #GreatFoodTruckRace #DeadCity #BattleOnTheBeach #TheCube #TheLazarusProject #StoneColdTakesOnAmerica
#stonecoldtakesonamerica #TheLazarusProject #thecube #battleonthebeach #deadcity #greatfoodtruckrace #90DayFiance #nascar #mlb #whensharksattack #essencefestonhulu #loveisblindbrazil #theidol #marriedtoevil #endeavourpbs #toughasnails
The Walking Dead: Dead City 1x02: "Who's There": We get a bit of clarification on some of the groups that are in play for this series, though it's still not clear how New Babylon fits in with the other major "nations" in this universe. We also get to see a bit of the old Negan, putting on a show, and perhaps a moment where Maggie starts to understand why the gruesome theater is sometimes necessary. #thewalkingdead #deadcity