Guten Morgen Fediverse!
Heute geht es weiter mit den Vorbereitungen für Splittermond. Ich bin gerade dabei das erste Abenteuer aufzubereiten :)
Am Abend spielen wir dann (hoffentlich) #swade #deadlands #weirdwest :- wir ziehen mit 1500 Rindern und einem unheimlichen Verfolger hinaus in die Prärie. Was soll schon schiefgehen? :)
#pnpde #ttrpg
#swade #deadlands #weirdwest #pnpde #ttrpg
Guten Morgen Fediverse!
Auf geht's in eine neue spannende Woche!
Di #swade #deadlands
Mi #dnd "Die Seele der Magie" als DM
Do #dnd5e "Schatten der Vergangenheit" als DM
Fr #dsa G7-Kampagne
Sa Voice-Acting-Workshop
So #Splittermond als SL
Dazu kommen noch Planungen, Vorbereitungen für die Splittermond-Kampagne, Schreibarbeiten und Vereinsarbeiten :) ich bin beschäftigt!
Schöne Woche euch allen!
#pnpde #ttrpg
#swade #deadlands #dnd #dnd5e #dsa #splittermond #pnpde #ttrpg
A bonus gift from my wife’s Brownie unit to say thank you for redesigning their website 😎 #Deadlands #SavageWorlds #SWADE #RPG #TTRPG
#deadlands #savageworlds #swade #rpg #ttrpg
#RPGaDAY2023 30. What should I nominate? I’m a lousy mainstreamer. The most obscure #ttrpg I ever played was probably #Deadlands 💥
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #deadlands
Thinking about the various Deadlands settings and I'm going to rank them.
Wild West
Hell on Earth
Then very distantly Lost Colony.
I'm not even sure why Lost Colony never clicked with me, but I disliked it when I bought the original box set. Just never clicked with me, which I found surprising because I love SciFantasy.
Noir is weird. I both like and dislike it. Can't explain it better.
#Deadlands #WeirdWest #HellonEarth #SavageWorlds #ttrpg #rpg
#deadlands #WeirdWest #hellonearth #savageworlds #ttrpg #rpg
More #SavageWorlds streaming goodness: Horror at Headstone Hill Actual Play. A full season with 28 episodes! #Deadlands #SWADE #TTRPG #Streaming #ActualPlay
#savageworlds #deadlands #swade #ttrpg #streaming #actualplay
#RPGaDay2023 Day 23: Coolest looking #RPG product/book.
I haven’t a clue as I don’t tend to buy games because they look cool. I suppose I really like the layout of the #SWADE #Deadlands books. Evocative but also readable. #SavageWorlds #TTRPG
#rpgaday2023 #rpg #swade #deadlands #savageworlds #ttrpg
"WildCards" was an #streaming podcast for #SavageWorlds that ran through 2021. It featured #Deadlands and #EastTexasUniversity as well as other settings.
#streaming #savageworlds #deadlands #easttexasuniversity
@awinnef Bei Wicked Ones werden sie das flexible Magiesystem so viel mehr lieben ;-)
- #Spire
- #HotSpringsIsland
- Eine West Marches-Kampagne probieren
- #BandOfBlades
- #SwordsAndWizardry #YoonSuin
- #KoenigreichDerDornen für #SavageHeXXen
- #LegendsOfTheFiveRings ggf. aber mit #SavageWorlds
- #Dolmenwood vermutlich mit #SwordsAndWizardry, weil es mein Retroklon daheim ist.
- GDQ Kampagne
- #Deadlands
- #EyesOfTheStoneThief entweder mit #SwordsAndWizardry oder #SavageWorlds :D
#spire #hotspringsisland #bandofblades #swordsandwizardry #yoonsuin #koenigreichderdornen #savagehexxen #legendsofthefiverings #savageworlds #dolmenwood #deadlands #eyesofthestonethief
Ein neuer Beitrag ist erschienen:
Ritt auf einem wilden Mustang
1877, Deadwood, irgendwann nachts
Nachdem wir die Ghule und ihren Anführer in der Höhle hinter dem Felsspalt vernichtet hatten, trafen wir draußen auf Wild Bill. Seine untote Erscheinung schüchterte uns mächtig ein, denn wir hatten ja schon mit einigen Verdammten zu tun gehabt. Da wir friedlich blieben, blieb e ...
#deadlands #Spielbericht #Zusammenfassung
We have people looking for players!
-Space Kings
-D&D 5e
If you are looking for an online group to play with or want to make a posting of your own, visit our discord server:
Our server is LGBT friendly and is focused on all things TTRPGs and Nerdom so come visit. You can post games you are hosting or if you are looking for a GM.
#dnd5e #deadlands #spacekings #ttrpg #lookingforgroup #lookingforgroup #lookingforplayers #lookingfordm #lookingforgm #ttrpggroup
#dnd5e #deadlands #SpaceKings #ttrpg #lookingforgroup #lookingforplayers #lookingfordm #lookingforgm #ttrpggroup
Just watched the latest #Oxventure #Deadlands actual play. Really enjoyed this one.
Also even more annoyed about that time I let my friend talk me out of buying a cowboy hat that time I went to Texas.
#rpgaday2023 mise à jour :)
#jour8 : le #Huckster #deadlands
#jour9 : bah... le #D20 :)
#jour10: #voxmachina :)
#voxmachina #jour10 #d20 #jour9 #deadlands #huckster #jour8 #rpgaday2023
I cannot recommend this video enough!It is the Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra crews together playing #Deadlands, in costume, doing voices, etc... Really brilliant play!
#deadlands #roleplaying #rpg #ttrpg
#RPGaDay2023 Day 7: Smartest #RPG you’ve played.
That’s a strange question. They’re all pretty smart in their own way. If it’s talking about complex, then it would have to be #Rolemaster. If it’s talking about clever mechanics, then I’d go with #WFRP1e (the whole career system is still great in my opinion). Finally, if it’s using smart to mean nicely presented, that would be #Deadlands (specifically the #SWADE edition). #TTRPG
#rpgaday2023 #rpg #rolemaster #wfrp1e #deadlands #swade #ttrpg
7. The smartest RPG I have played is Machina and Magic because it made me think the most. LOOOOOL. JKJK Shameless plug. But it did make me think the most.
But not plugging my game, I would choose Classic Deadlands. The feel of it is perfect. The small details with the mechanics is amazing.
The most recent Oxventure actual play has got me interested in the new version of Deadlands.
I had the original version way back, but lost it in a lending-and-losing-touch situation.
#D6StarWars #D6
#VampireTheMasquerade & #VampireTheRequiem
#Masks #MasksANewGeneration
#Pathfinder 1st edition
#ADnD 2nd ed #Ravenloft #Dragonlance #Planescape #AlQadim
#gurps #d6 #vampirethemasquerade #vampiretherequiem #castlesandcrusades #masks #pathfinder #adnd #d6starwars #masksanewgeneration #ravenloft #dragonlance #planescape #alqadim #13thage #callofcthulhu #dnd4e #deadlands
Been working away at putting the #Deadlands plot point campaign, #HorrorAtHeadstoneHill, into #ObsidianMD. I’ve run it once through #FoundryVTT and the assets from that purchase have come in handy here to give me a nice look and feel to it. I’ve almost finished data entry and then it will be linking entries together. The final part will be converting the NPCs and creatures as I’ll be using the #BuffyTheVampireSlayer rules for the next run through. #SWADE #RPG #TTRPG
#deadlands #HorrorAtHeadstoneHill #ObsidianMD #foundryvtt #buffythevampireslayer #swade #rpg #ttrpg
Due to lack of joined up thinking I am running 4 games in a row this week.
Tuesday: Traveller Pirates of Drinax
Wednesday: Traveller Secrets of the Ancients
Thursday: Savage World Deadlands
Friday: Knave (Maw of the Mountain)
Saturday: brain melt
Forgot the tags: #Traveller #deadlands #knave