Today's #workout
- 400m run
then 2 rounds
- 12 tip toe glute bridges
- 20 heel taps (side crunch thingy)
- 10 tuck-crunch
- Pigeon
- bracing practice
- 10L/10R stagger leg good morning
#StrengthTraining Deadlifts (2' rest between sets)
- 5x @ 75% 1RM
- 5x @ 75% 1RM
- 4x @ 80% 1RM
- 3x @ 82% 1RM
- 3x @ 85% 1RM
Cardio hell (for me):
- 150 double unders (did 200 single unders)
- 800m run (scaled to 600m)
- 30 toes to bar (scaled to knee rises)
- 150 double unders (200 single unders)
Died in 15:45.
#CrossFit #CrossfitForYoga #Fitness #GymLife #WeightLifting #Deadlift
#workout #strengthtraining #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #fitness #gymlife #weightlifting #deadlift
If you are in or around Chard in Somerset next weekend, it's well worth popping along to Britain's disabled strongman (not just men) they've whipped up this lovely flyer for my daughter Phoebe who's doing a seated deadlift. #DisabledStrongman #Deadlift #FriedreichsAtaxia
#disabledstrongman #deadlift #Friedreichsataxia
today's workout
heavy single deadlift (I did 210lbs, not a PR).
Then 20 minute TC:
2 rounds of :
100 meter suitcase carry (44lb kb)
10 hanging knee raises
12 situps
1 min rest
I did it in 19 minutes.
Oh, also, it was over 90F.
#deadlift #weightlifting #crossfit
3X1 95% 1RM deadlift (205 lbs)
40 air squats
20 hanging knee raises
30 cals on the rower
20 hanging knee raises
40 air squats
tc: 16 minutes (I finished in 13)
Can someone tell me how 205 three times is not a PR (according to the gym's calculator when my 1RM is 216?).
#deadlift #crossfit #weightlifting
When building my home gym, I bought a single set of plates adding up to 260# including the bar. Today was my first attempt to remax my deadlift. Clearly that wasnt enough weight. Luckily I was already planning on buying another set of weights within the next month or so.
#weightlifting #deadlift #strengthtraining
I failed my 1RM deadlift benchmark today….
I ran out of weight.
#weightlifting #deadlift #fitness #vegetarian #lowcarb #strengthtraining
#weightlifting #deadlift #fitness #vegetarian #lowcarb #strengthtraining
Despite the horror of finding I’d left my sweaty gym clothes + towel in the bag over the weekend and having to start laundry on everything including the duffel, it was still a good #deadlift day. #jockstrap
Time to start the new cycle! Workout tonight:
Deadlifts: warm ups, 1x3 @ 275 (83% 1rm), 5x6 @ 255lbs.
Close grip bench: 3x8, 1x10 @ 160lbs (70% 1rm)
Curls/Skullcrushers: supersetted 3x15 @ 40lbs.
The supersets at the end might be the worst part lol.
#gym #deadlift #weightlifting #fitodon #fitness
Today's workout:
Deadlift: warm ups, 1x6 @ 280 (85% 1rm), 4x5 @ 255lbs.
Close grip bench: 4x9 @ 155lbs (70% 1rm)
Bicep/tricep accessories for a few sets.
Just a slight bump on the deadlift today since I was feeling about average. I think I can jump my main work up to 260 or 265 pretty comfortably. Bench felt fine too, nothing special.
This is the end of the 3 week cycle I was going for! Hooray! Think I'll jump into the next one right away w/ tweaks.
Workout tonight:
Deadlift: warm ups, 1x6 @ 275 (83% 1rm), 4x5 @ 255lbs.
Close grip bench: 4x9 @ 155lbs (70% 1rm)
Bicep/tricep accessories for a few sets.
Finally got the last bits of disease out of me and my diet a bit more locked in. Today I felt really good across the board. Nice to feel normal again!
#deadlift #fitness #weightlifting #gym
Workout today:
Deadlift: warm ups, 1x6 @ 280 (85% 1rm), 4x6 @ 255lbs.
Close grip bench: 4x8 @ 155lbs (70% 1rm)
Bicep curls/skullcrushers: supersetted 3x17 @ 25lbs or some small weight like that.
Morning workout meant I felt a bit more stiff on the deadlifts. After the workout I realized I usually have a 1 inch raise on them to make it easier to get into position. That explains things! Bench strength is back especially with proper rest between sets.
Tonight's workout:
Deadlifts: warm ups, 1x6 @ 265lbs (80% 1rm), 4x6 @ 255lbs (a bit over 75% 1rm).
Overhead press: warm ups, 4x5 @ 145lbs (a bit under 75% 1rm).
Bicep curls/skull crushers: 3x15 @ some very light weight.
This workout was not supposed to feel so difficult. The deadlifts weren't too bad, but the presses were rough. Just took forever to get any energy going. Guessing either still leftover illness or a new illness starting. Argh!
Yesterday after a long #weightlifting hiatus I realized I can easily #deadlift 85lb for reps. I'm legitimately thrilled! At this time last year I had never even attempted any of the big three lifts. Despite a lot of setbacks and inconsistency, I've made so much progress. Really proud of how strong I've become!
#weightlifter #liftingheavy #lifting #deadlift #weightlifting
Today's #workout :
Warm-up 1: 2 rounds
- 15 hip bridges
- 150 m run
- 45' plank hold (these are getting easier!)
Warm up 2: 2 rounds
- 10 banded good mornings
- 10 single leg dead lifts each leg
- 10 mins to build to a heavy deadlift
- 5x e3min 3 deadlifts (55 kg)
Metcon: 12 min AMRAP
- 40 m heavy farmer carrier (2x 16 kg)
- 20 single under cross overs (3rd round managed in ONE go!)
- 10 2x dumbbell deadlift (10kg each)
- 5 box jump(step) ups / step downs
Did 5 rounds + farmer carrier.
#CrossFit #CrossfitForYoga #Deadlift #StrengthTraining #Fitness #Wod #WorkoutOfTheDay
#workout #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #deadlift #strengthtraining #fitness #wod #WorkoutOfTheDay
Workout tonight:
Deadlift: warm ups, 1x6 @ 295lbs, 4x5 @ 255lbs.
* Close grip bench: 4x8 @ 195lbs.
* Dumbbell Row: 4x10 @ 35lbs (each side), 30s rest between sets.
I thought it would be useful to share the correct way to load a barbell up. This is guaranteed to add 10% to your 1rm and is a sign you know what's going on.
#benchpress #deadlift #weightlifting
Workout tonight:
Deadlift: 1x5 @ 135lbs, 1x5 @ 225lbs, 1x5 @ 275lbs, 1x6 @ 290bs. Then 4x4 @ 255lbs.
* Close grip bench: 4x8 @ 190lbs.
* Dumbbell Row: 4x10 @ 35lbs (each side), 30s rest between sets.
Continuing my random program from last week. Deadlifts were definitely harder after the run yesterday, but not impossible! Goofed the third set of bench by not taking a long enough rest. Got it on the 4th though.
#benchpress #deadlift #weightlifting
A new personal record for Deadlift, 2 reps of 100 kg. #kangaroo #wod #workoutoftheday #crossfit #deadlift
#deadlift #crossfit #workoutoftheday #wod #kangaroo