Danny Denial - Dead Like Me (Lyric Video)
#ballad #dannydenial #deadlikeme #punk #struggle #toll
more movies and tv shows I found on the #Roku channel of interest to #fsf #fantasy #scifi #ScienceFiction fans:
Merlin: 5 seasons #merlin
Sliders: 5 seasons #sliders ❤️
Dead Like Me: 2 seasons #deadLikeMe ❤️
Quantum Leap 5 seasons #quantumLeap ❤️
Caprica: 1 season #caprica ❤️
Babylon 5: 6 seasons #babylon5
Dark Shadows: 1 season #darkShadows
Greatest American Hero: 3 seasons ❤️#GreatestAmericanHero
Space 1999: 2 seasons #space1999
The Red Green Show: 15 seasons #RedGreen ❤️
How Its Made: 32 seasons
assorted b&w tv shows
some #RoboCop movies, but not necessarily the 1st one
some #JackieChan movies: Thunderbolt, the Prisoner, Drunken Master (the beginning),
#roku #fsf #fantasy #scifi #sciencefiction #merlin #Sliders #deadlikeme #QuantumLeap #caprica #babylon5 #darkshadows #greatestamericanhero #space1999 #redgreen #robocop #jackiechan
George Lass: So, my whole life, all I get to keep are my thoughts and memories?
Rube: That's all we ever had, peanut.
RT @thegatecast@twitter.com
Many Happy Returns Of The Day To Peter Williams http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0931465/ System Lord Apophis on Stargate SG1 & Stargate Continuum + Morris Winston on Da Vinci's Inquest #TheExpanse #NeonRider #DeadLikeMe #Earthsea #Fallen #TheListener @actualApophis@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/thegatecast/status/1609225059880800257
#TheListener #fallen #earthsea #deadlikeme #neonrider #TheExpanse
@VieilOgre @Saltybretzel One of my fav quotes from #DeadLikeMe is a guy talking about robots creating art. And says "when a robot commits suicide, then I'll be impressed." This is in-sensitive. But I think sums up the situation for me. AIArts are not expressions of heart. Maybe by the prompter, but their life experience is not in every stroke.
Happy Birthday Mandy Patinkin (NOV 30)!!!!!
#MandyPatinkin #TV #Movies
#PrincessBride #Homeland
#CriminalMinds #TheGoodFight
#mandypatinkin #tv #movies #princessbride #homeland #CriminalMinds #TheGoodFight #deadlikeme #chicagohope #dicktracy #twitterstar