#FrancisYorkMorgan | #DeadlyPremonition: @PumkinPortfolio (+edit)
📸: @the_whispering ♡
⟨ #cosplay #cosplayer #crossplay #videogame #MastoArt #Swery65 @swery65 #VideogameCosplay #FediArt #Videogames #Photography #NonBinary ⟩
#nonbinary #photography #videogames #fediart #videogamecosplay #swery65 #MastoArt #videogame #crossplay #cosplayer #cosplay #deadlypremonition #FrancisYorkMorgan
"HB"... in the coffee. Sounds like a reason to celebrate, doesn't it, Zack? Maybe we should give Swery65 our regards.
GBA #FireEmblem style portrait of Francis York Morgan from Deadly Premonition. Happy belated birthday, Swery!
#fireemblem #pixelart #fanart #ドット絵 #deadlypremonition
My first YouTube submission. A short #cosplay photo clip, a visual novel inspired by #deadlypremonition
It's a test. Will expand the idea in the future.
If you have tips for #YouTube, please tell me, what is allowed and not (especially with CapCut).
#videogames #MastoArt #youtube #deadlypremonition #cosplay
* Investigation @ Le Carré - #DeadlyPremonition 2 OST
#currlisteningalcea #deadlypremonition #satoshiokubo
I know it's been 12+ years, but I just had "Deadly Premonition" spoiled for me. I think I'm going to be sick
#gaming #videogames #deadlypremonition
Good morning!
Have a cozy Sunday with a precious cup of coffee ☕ *whistle tune ON*
#FrancisYorkMorgan | #DeadlyPremonition: @PumkinPortfolio (+edit)
📸: the_whispering ♡
⟨ #cosplay #cosplayer #crossplay #videogame #MastoArt #Swery65 @swery65 #VideogameCosplay #Coffee #FediArt #Videogames #Photography #NonBinary ⟩
#nonbinary #photography #videogames #fediart #coffee #videogamecosplay #swery65 #MastoArt #videogame #crossplay #cosplayer #cosplay #deadlypremonition #FrancisYorkMorgan
Please reblog, if you like what you see.
I asked you in a vote, which cosplay genre I should upload next.
"Videogames" was the winner. I have a lot of game related cosplays, but here are four:
#Quote | #CaveStory (📸: Blowfish)
#FrancisYorkMorgan | #DeadlyPremonition (📸: the_whispering)
#TakayukiYagami | #Judgment (📸: xBellchenx)
#Yomiel | #GhostTrick (📸: Blowfish)
⟨ #cosplay #MastoArt #Crossplay #videogames #RyuGaGotoku #Yakuza #cosplayer #games ⟩
#games #cosplayer #yakuza #ryugagotoku #videogames #crossplay #MastoArt #cosplay #ghosttrick #yomiel #judgment #TakayukiYagami #deadlypremonition #FrancisYorkMorgan #cavestory #quote
Okay, let's do it with the interest list (or how it is called):
#Yakuza / #ryugagotoku
#MobileSuitGundam / #Gundam
... There is more, but my head is empty. Maybe a part 2 one day :oof:
#theexpanse #fargo #thexfiles #buffy #shadowshouse #baccano #shenmue #hazbinhotel #lanfeust #sillage #SkyDoll #creepycat #MyHomeHero #assassinationclassroom #eyeshield21 #SPYxFAMILY #gundam #mobilesuitgundam #souleater #TokyoRevengers #eurekaseven #cats #miraculousladybug #saintsrow #deadlypremonition #ryugagotoku #yakuza
Fa poc #DeadlyPremonition2 ha rebut un altre pedaç per polir alguns aspectes del joc.
Tranquils, sempre quedarà #reddit per a no oblidar alguns dels seus errors si desapareixen xb.
#videojocs #NintendoSwitch #DeadlyPremonition #bug #bugs #errors
#deadlypremonition2 #reddit #videojocs #nintendoswitch #deadlypremonition #bug #bugs #errors
Si ja al primer #DeadlyPremonition trobàvem moments o coses que ens feia pensar que podrien ser errors i necessitat d'haver revisat més el joc, potser la segona part et puga deixar més WTF que mai 😂.
#videojocs #bugs #bug #DeadlyPremonition2 #NintendoSwitch
#deadlypremonition #videojocs #bugs #bug #deadlypremonition2 #nintendoswitch
Si no us podeu esperar a catar-lo des de 0, la gent d' IGN ja han penjat un vídeo de joc de #DeadlyPremonition2.
Recordem que ja li queden un parell de setmanes per a que arribe esta segona part de #DeadlyPremonition a #NintendoSwitch.
#deadlypremonition2 #deadlypremonition #nintendoswitch #videojocs
Aquesta setmana #TwinPeaks feia 30 anys. La famosa sèrie de TV que va marcar un abans i un després a les sèries, també fou font directa per a #videojocs com a #MizzurnaFalls, #DeadlyPremonition i molts altres.
#twinpeaks #videojocs #mizzurnafalls #deadlypremonition #TwinPeaksAnniversary #cinema #sèriesTV
same energy
RT @Swery65@twitter.com
Everybody, please keep distance.
York knows how long distance we need To prevent infection COVID-19 during Dinner with others.
Stay safe. I love you all!!
#COVID19 #deadlypremonition https://twitter.com/Swery65/status/1244829105872228352/photo/1
Els excentrics creadors de #NoMoreHeroes i #DeadlyPremonition, a més d'un ex del primer #SilentHill, tenen plans d'un #videojoc de #terror estil #indie. El nom provisional és #HotelBarcelona, i eixirà per a #Stadia, #NintendoSwitch, #iOS i #Android.
👉 https://3dnassos.cat/suda51-i-swery65-anuncien-un-joc-de-terror-hotel-barcelona/
#nomoreheroes #deadlypremonition #silenthill #videojoc #terror #indie #hotelbarcelona #stadia #nintendoswitch #ios #android
leaning about the sinners sandwitch.
made with turkey, stawberry jam and cereal. (imagine corn flakes)
leaning about the sinners sandwitch.
made with turkey, stawberry jam and cereal. (imagine corn flakes)
#DeadlyPremonition, afegit a la nostra llista de #survivalhorror. http://wp.me/P4CGC0-5H #PS3 #Xbox360 #Windows #PC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-tAL5rbk7o
#deadlypremonition #survivalhorror #ps3 #xbox360 #windows #pc