Gestern mal wieder so einen richtig, langen #Spieleabend gehabt! 🤪
und, ewig nicht mehr gespielt, #DeadMansDraw .
Das nenn' ich einen gelungenen Abend! 👋
#Brettspiel #Brettspiele
#spieleabend #5minutedungeon #karuba #framework #splendor #deadmansdraw #wirsehenunsamtisch #alibabaspieleclub #nurnberg #hausdesspiels #brettspiel #brettspiele
Spent four days camping with my family. We took a few board games and I was curious to see which ones would be the biggest hit. The winner, far and away, was "Dead Man's Draw" from Mayday Games. The adults all loved it, the kids all loved it, house rules were invented and played with, strategies were discussed.
My only real regret was that I didn't sleeve all the cards before we took them camping.
#cardGames #DeadMansDraw