I've told Fearless Impala that I don't want to be friends with her today. It's just too painful for me.
I've never felt that she was threatening but I've set up a dead man's switch just the same.
If I don't check in every two days, the switch activates. Chalk it up to #paranoia.
#paranoia #relationships #breakup #friendship #deadmansswitch
Reddit User Discovers 7zip File Possibly Linked to Julian Assange Hidden in Bitcoin Blockchain - According to a post on the Reddit community r/bitcoin, an old file was discovered ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/reddit-user-discovers-7zip-file-possibly-linked-to-julian-assange-hidden-in-bitcoin-blockchain/ #filenamedjulianassange.txt #cryptographicproof #legitimatepractice #ecuadorianembassy #bitcoinadvocates #wikileaksfounder #redditcommunity #deadmansswitch #revokingasylum #julianassange
#julianassange #revokingasylum #deadmansswitch #redditcommunity #wikileaksfounder #bitcoinadvocates #ecuadorianembassy #legitimatepractice #cryptographicproof #filenamedjulianassange