Habe angesichts mehrerer mir bekannter Fälle von offener #Transfeindlichkeit ein Angebot abgelehnt für den "#Beitragsservice" von #ARD, #ZDF & #Deutschlandradio zu arbeiten.
Wer jahrelang Leute aggressivst #deadnamed verdient kein Personal!
Es gibt nunmal Ethische Standards an die ich mich halte.
#transrightsarehumanrights #deadnamed #Deutschlandradio #zdf #ard #beitragsservice #transfeindlichkeit
Yeah, getting #deadnamed? I’ll put up with that for the sake of Dad’s failing memory, and his connection with someone he taught (in NSW) who his now looking after him with such great kindness at the local shops (in Adelaide.)
But do not enjoy having those memories resurface for myself, or knowing that those connections will be idly made as the phone calls are spread. It will be a one day wonder of “Do you remember so and so?” though, and then I’ll be forgotten again.
...(even when we have a full face of makeup, talk in a "feminine," tone, dress in a traditionally "feminine," way, and act demure and femme) we will be #misgendered, #deadnamed, and "Sirred," even after (in my case) almost 3 years on HRT.
It is super #dysphoria inducing and makes me (at least) feel like there isn't really a point, because if that is how they feel looking like they do after 6 months and 10-20 years younger...
#misgendered #deadnamed #dysphoria
Would I rather not be #deadnamed ? Yes, but truthfully until I have everything legally changed I don't mind. #transgender