@kevinrothrock One cannot deadname a corporation or app.
An App or Company doesn't have personality rights, unlike the people that #ApartheidEmeraldBoy and his heterocisbinarysexist fans are harassing en masse...
#NotLegalAdvice but I've yet to see anyone getting sued successfully for " #deadnaming a corporation ",,,
#deadnaming #notlegaladvice #apartheidemeraldboy
Mein Kind trägt den Namen den ausgesucht hatte nicht mehr. They hat sich einen Neuen ausgesucht.
"Aber verletzt dich das nicht - du hast dir doch Gedanken gemacht"
" Ja das stimmt und ich habe eine Weile gebraucht um mich umzugewöhnen dass they jetzt .... heißt
"Und wie war der Name vorher? "
Und dann hatte ich die Gelegenheit bei Arbeitskolleginnen zu erzählen was #Deadnaming ist und warum man es nicht macht.
Und hier über ich neue Pronomen fürs Kind - da brauche ich noch ein bißchen
@katnjiapus +9001%
I also callout #StasiBook / #NSAbook out as such!
#Corporations are not people and are not entitled to pull the #deadnaming card - espechally when they rat out and snitch upon their users...
#deadnaming #corporations #NSAbook #stasibook
I specificically chose the :fediverse: with :activitypub: because I don't want to deal with the #GAFAMs - espechally #NSAbook and espechally not since :birdsite: :twitter: went to shit.
@stux of all the people should've known that.
I don't want to work for, with or support any of those GAFAMs and espechally not "#Meta" or whatever bs. name #Favebook gives itself.
(Anyone who dares to say a# corporation can be a "#victim" of #deadnaming will get instantly blocked -period!)
#deadnaming #victim #favebook #Meta #NSAbook #gafams
Pink News: Twitter safety chief resigns as Elon Musk says deadnaming ‘definitely allowed’ in anti-trans film row https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/06/04/twitter-ella-irwin-resign-elon-musk-anti-trans-film/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #ScienceandTech #thedailywire #deadnaming #Americas #elonmusk #Twitter #News #US
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #scienceandtech #thedailywire #deadnaming #americas #elonmusk #Twitter #news #us
Scott ... Scott ... Oh no I dead named myself ... Well not really ... I moved my first name to my last name ... My mum gave me that name ....and I didn't like my last name ... Giggles
Hugz & xXx
#tans #transjoy #deadname #deadnaming
No, cis @Wikipedia editors, I will not explain for the thousandth time why #deadnaming is harmful to the #trans community as a whole, why the curiosity of cis people does not outweigh that harm, and why trans people should get the "special treatment" of keeping their former, non-notable names out of the encyclopedia.
It takes all my energy not to rage-quit this volunteer project sometimes...
I do not understand why #drag performers, especially #RuPaul and her very famous #DragQueens of #RuPaulsDragRace, continue to support #ElonMusk’s #Twitter by posting and encouraging their fans to follow them there.
E.g. the recent #PatrickStarrr video featuring #MistressIsabelleBrooks: https://youtube.com/watch?v=FYWZ6XhioMY&t=761
The site’s most recent regression: dropping #trans protection against #deadnaming and #misgendering: https://www.advocate.com/business/twitter-elon-musk-transgender-abuse
#drag #rupaul #dragqueens #rupaulsdragrace #elonmusk #twitter #patrickstarrr #mistressisabellebrooks #trans #deadnaming #misgendering #transgender #rpdr #dragrace #dragqueen #lgbtq
Since i did not know myself, what #deadnaming is: "Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used prior to transitioning, such as their birth name." (wikipedia)
Twitter ends policy prohibiting #deadnaming people. Because apparently the more online #harassment, the better, https://apnews.com/article/twitter-elon-musk-transgender-deadnaming-hateful-conduct-ae1b7285bb906e04b26ff9751ec0c2ce
Twitter has quietly removed a policy against the “targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals,” raising concerns that the Elmo-owned platform is becoming less safe for marginalized groups
#LGBTQIA #deadnaming #transgender https://apnews.com/article/twitter-elon-musk-transgender-deadnaming-hateful-conduct-ae1b7285bb906e04b26ff9751ec0c2ce
#lgbtqia #deadnaming #transgender
eicker.news #technews »#Twitter made it easier to #harass #transgender users: The platform quietly removed specific protections against targeted #misgendering and #deadnaming from its #HatefulConductPolicy.« https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/18/23688192/twitter-harrass-transgender-users-policy
#technews #Twitter #harass #transgender #misgendering #deadnaming #hatefulconductpolicy
The bird site continues its downhill slide further into the 🚽.
"Twitter updated its content moderation guidelines regarding hateful content, removing a policy that prohibited the targeted deadnaming or misgendering of transgender people."
#misgendering #deadnaming #twitter
Pink News: Elon Musk’s Twitter rolls back policy protecting trans users from misgendering and deadnaming https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/04/18/twitter-trans-hate-speech-policy-elon-musk/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #ScienceandTech #misgendering #deadnaming #hatespeech #elonmusk #Twitter #Trans #News #US
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #scienceandtech #misgendering #deadnaming #hatespeech #elonmusk #Twitter #news #us
GLAAD: Twitter has quietly removed a section of its hateful conduct policy that aimed to protect transgender people from targeted misgendering and deadnaming
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #trans #transgender #transphobia #misgendering #deadnaming #Twitter #ElonMusk
#elonmusk #twitter #deadnaming #misgendering #transphobia #transgender #trans #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
@BinGanzBrav Richtig so!
Besser spät als nie...
Würde mir wünschen dass #Reichelt solange dagegen #Revision einlegt bis er vorm #BVerfG oder gar #EGMR dafür aufs M0wl bekommt und #Misgendering wie #Deadnaming klar als schwere Straftaten [Schwere Beleidigung & Verleundung] bestätigt werden.
#deadnaming #misgendering #egmr #bverfg #Revision #reichelt
So....I inadvertently caused a receptionist get called into the office today
I get called in to the doctor's they want to get a blood sample from me,
Do here I am in the waiting room, and receptionist 1 calls out my deadname
I cringe but I respond with "actually it's Jessica,"
Receptionist 2: "Jessica is her preferred name"
(Actually it's my legal name and should be listed as such on my records but I digress)
Receptionist 1: oh......*looks at chart again*....so where's (deadname)
Me *facepalmms but responds "yeah that's me but my name is Jessica"
Receptionist 2 and Office manager: that's her PREFERRED NAME! She WAS. (deadname) but now she's Jessica "
Receptionist 1 "oh.....sorry man!"
By this time I'm thoroughly embarrassed bt just want to get this over with my mouth is open but no words are coming out
Office Manager: "can I talk to you in my office for a second "
Guy goes back completely clueless
He wasn't being malicious or anything, dude just had his head up his ass
#trans #justtransthings #deadnaming #misgendering
RT @LaMadameDomme
#deadnaming #trans🏳️⚧️
While most members of the #TransCommunity can forgive us for accidently #DeadNaming them. We can apologise and move on.
But for those who intentionally do this? All you are doing is proving that you are intolderant, spitful and incredibly bigoted. You are denying the very essence of existence of trans people when you do this. Calling someone by a new name, takes so little effort.
#transphobia #Trans #deadnaming #transcommunity