#RPGaDay2023 Day19 Favourite Published Adventure
There are too many…cannot decide 😰 Probably one from the following list:
#DeadPlanet for #MothershipRPG
#SailorsOnTheStarlessSea for #DCC
#HoleInTheSky for DCC
#BlackWyrmofBrandonsford for #OSE
#WintersDaughter for OSE
#HestersMill for #TrophyGoldRPG
#FoulCoultsBounty for #TrophyGoldRPG
#TheGardensOfYnn (#osr)
#DeadGirlsInSarkashForest for #MörkBork
#HallsOfTheBloodKing for OSE
#rpgaday2023 #deadplanet #mothershiprpg #sailorsonthestarlesssea #dcc #holeinthesky #blackwyrmofbrandonsford #OSE #wintersdaughter #hestersmill #TrophyGoldRPG #foulcoultsbounty #thegardensofynn #osr #deadgirlsinsarkashforest #morkbork #hallsofthebloodking
#RPGaDay2023 (15) : "Favourite con module/one shot". Have not attended a con for decades, but generally speaking, when it comes to one shots, I like #DCC funnels (#SailorsOnTheStarlessSea in particular), #TrophyDark incursions, the scenarios found in the #DeadPlanet module for #MothershipRPG, Hester‘s Mill for #TrophyGoldRPG, #WintersDaughter for #OSE … could add more
#rpgaday2023 #dcc #sailorsonthestarlesssea #TrophyDark #deadplanet #mothershiprpg #TrophyGoldRPG #wintersdaughter #OSE