Having had two dry(ish) days in #BannauBrycheiniog, it is not surprising that that the third was wet and not by a little. I usually like using my paper maps and #DeadReckoning to #navigate my way around a new place but I forgot to bring my compass on this occasion and so I had to revert to #GPS (don’t tell anyone else) in order to find #SugarLoaf near #Abergavenny. I couldn’t see much else but at least our #hike was 12 km and so it was still worth it.
#BannauBrycheiniog #deadreckoning #navigate #gps #sugarloaf #abergavenny #hike
Ich habe eben #MissionImpossible — #DeadReckoning gesehen und ich war den ganzen Film über irritiert, wie sehr die Filmmusik die Szenen überschatteten und irgendwie den gezeigten Moment zunichte machten. Wie in einem Musikvideo, in dem eine Filmszene reingeschnitten wurde, die gerade nicht zur Melodie oder dem Text passt. 😐
Ist hier wirklich was anders, vielleicht sogar so schlecht wie von mir wahrgenommen, oder habe ich einfach nur verlernt Kinofilme zu sehen? 🤔
#missionimpossible #deadreckoning
映画『ミッションインポッシブル デッドレコニング Part One』感想 https://tkt058.seesaa.net/article/500200416.html @tkt058より
#ミッションインポッシブル #映画 #Movie #movies #MissionImpossible #MissionImpossible7 #MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning #EthanHunt #Grace #Entity #DeadReckoning #deadreckoningpartone #Action #OrientExpress #moviescene
#moviescene #orientexpress #action #deadreckoningpartone #deadreckoning #entity #grace #ethanhunt #MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning #missionimpossible7 #missionimpossible #movies #movie #映画 #ミッションインポッシブル
映画『ミッションインポッシブル デッドレコニング Part One』感想 https://tkt058.seesaa.net/article/500200416.html @tkt058より
#ミッションインポッシブル #映画 #Movie #movies #MissionImpossible #MissionImpossible7 #MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning #EthanHunt #Grace #Entity #DeadReckoning #deadreckoningpartone #Action #OrientExpress #moviescene
#moviescene #orientexpress #action #deadreckoningpartone #deadreckoning #entity #grace #ethanhunt #missionimpossibledeadreckoning #missionimpossible7 #missionimpossible #movies #movie #映画 #ミッションインポッシブル
Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning: Part One was big and a little bloated but good fun. Its main issue was feeling like it was holding back some tricks for the end, but as usual, the stunts and Cruise’s dynamism propel it forward. Atwell a great addition, and Klementieff too. Part Two is gonna be years away, isn’t it?
#missionimpossible #deadreckoning #movies
Focus #MissionImpossible 8/8
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning - Partie 1 (2023)
Un déluge d’action jubilatoire, malgré une durée assez harassante.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/mission_impossible_dead_reckoning_partie_1/critique/291663192
#MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning #DeadReckoning #ChristopherMcQuarrie #TomCruise #RebeccaFerguson #SimonPegg #VingRhames #VanessaKirby #MI7 #Film #Cinema
Paramount Pictures
#missionimpossible #missionimpossibledeadreckoning #deadreckoning #christophermcquarrie #tomcruise #rebeccaferguson #simonpegg #vingrhames #vanessakirby #mi7 #film #cinema
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)
★ ★ ★ ★
It’s clear the story is made up on the spot, which somehow worked for Fallout, but not so much for this film (COVID probably made it harder if not impossible). Nevertheless, the highly enjoyable set pieces are worth it. Just not as good as Fallout.
#deadreckoning #MissionImpossible
Tom Cruise appreciation toot!
(I watched #MissionImpossible #DeadReckoning last night)
#missionimpossible #deadreckoning
i would like to inform you that my new sexuality is haley atwell in a tweed vest, thank you 🙏🏻
#missionimpossible #deadreckoning
Come da tradizione, ho visto per la prima volta in vita mia i primi sei #MissionImpossible per andare a vedere il settimo. 😄
#missionimpossible #deadreckoning
I think I want to see Dead Reckoning again… ✈️ 🚗🏍️🪂 🚞 #DeadReckoning #MissionImpossible
#deadreckoning #missionimpossible
Prep for #DeadReckoning by revisiting Tom Cruise’s stunts in the franchise!
I saw Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning this morning... it was really good! I almost had the whole theater to myself... one guy in the front row, and me in the back... 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 🎟
#California #Chico #NorCal #movie #movies #film #films #MissionImpossible #DeadReckoning #Sunday
#california #chico #norcal #movie #movies #film #films #missionimpossible #deadreckoning #sunday
Gizmodo: Open Channel: Tell Us Your Thoughts on Dead Reckoning Part One https://gizmodo.com/open-channel-mission-impossible-dead-reckoning-part-one-1850645934 #missionimpossibledeadreckoningparttwo #tomcruisefilmography #christophermcquarrie #entertainmentculture #missionimpossible2 #missionimpossible #pomklementieff #deadreckoning #hayleyatwell #sheawhigham #esaimorales #haleyatwell #reckoning #imaxfilms #tomcruise
#missionimpossibledeadreckoningparttwo #tomcruisefilmography #christophermcquarrie #entertainmentculture #missionimpossible2 #missionimpossible #pomklementieff #deadreckoning #hayleyatwell #sheawhigham #esaimorales #haleyatwell #reckoning #imaxfilms #tomcruise
Gizmodo: Christopher McQuarrie Talks Dead Reckoning's Timely Villain https://gizmodo.com/christopher-mcquarrie-dead-reckoning-pt-1-ai-villain-1850645222 #americanpeopleofgermandescent #artificialintelligence #christophermcquarrie #entertainmentculture #missionimpossible #deadreckoning #erikjendresen #esaimorales #imaxfilms #tomcruise #ethanhunt #startrek #ai
#americanpeopleofgermandescent #artificialintelligence #christophermcquarrie #entertainmentculture #missionimpossible #deadreckoning #erikjendresen #esaimorales #imaxfilms #tomcruise #ethanhunt #startrek #ai
#missionimpossible #DeadReckoning seen and it has second most credible super-IA representation behind #PersonOfInterest
To be more precise, almost everytime with see the Entity in action in the movie it reminded me one or multiple episodes of Person of Interest.
And for having made the effort to do that, it's a big YES for the movie, and now let see if Mission Impossible will choose the same path as Person of Interest to kill that super-IA...
#missionimpossible #deadreckoning #personofinterest
#MissionImpossible #DeadReckoning Teil 1 sorgt trotz Einigkeit über fantastische Stunts & hochwertige Inszenierung für viel Diskussion zwischen Patrick & Daniel in #DieLetzteFilmkritik!
#Kritik #Review #MissionImpossible7 #MI7 #TomCruise #Filmcast #Kino #Podcasts #Film #Filme
#missionimpossible #deadreckoning #dieletztefilmkritik #Kritik #review #missionimpossible7 #mi7 #TomCruise #filmcast #kino #podcasts #film #filme
Warum #MissionImpossible7 für Daniel die vielleicht beste Videospielverfilmung ist, ohne wirklich eine zu sein oder überhaupt im Look eines #Games daher zu kommen, lest ihr in seinem #Artikel bei
Golem.de! https://golem.de/news/dead-reckoning-1-die-vielleicht-beste-videospielverfilmung-die-keine-ist-2307-175821.html
#MI7 #DeadReckoning #Film #Filme #Review #Kritik #Rezension #TomCruise #Actionfilm #Action #Kino
#missionimpossible7 #games #artikel #mi7 #deadreckoning #film #filme #review #Kritik #rezension #TomCruise #actionfilm #action #kino
Having heard great things about #DeadReckoning part one, and having never watched a #MissionImpossible movie, I decided to make my way through the first six films.
So far I’ve watched the first two and I found them to be just so-sIs it generally accepted that they get (much?) better from 3 onward? Or am I wasting my time if I didn’t like the first two.
#deadreckoning #missionimpossible