June 3, 2023 - Day 154 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 170
Game: Dead Rising
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Aug 8, 2006
Library Date: Jan 20, 2023
Unplayed: 134d (4m14d)
Playtime: 49m
Dead Rising is the first in the series of Dead Rising third person action-adventure zombie games.
I bought it, after starting this project, because of one of the rules I set for myself that I wouldn't play a sequel to a game unless I'd played the predecessors.
Since I already owned Dead Rising 4 from a bundle (still unplayed), I decided I had to start at the beginning with Dead Rising, & bought it on special.
This rule was a mistake, as was buying this game. Changed the rule to add "if I own them".
It's not a bad game, per se. It's just that it was released almost 17 years ago, and is competing with zombie games like Dead Island and Dying Light.
It's got quite a lot of character in the main protagonist, Frank West, a photo journalist trapped in a mall full of zombies. However, his loping run feels frustratingly slow, and the zombies seem to be either ignoring you, or swarming you with little warning.
I got quite frustrated, but was slowly making progress, and then I died. Games in 2006 weren't really big on autosaving, something you don't miss until it's not there.
After more than 40 mins playtime, I found myself at the start of the game again, and quit.
Dead Rising has fallen to:
2: Meh
#DeadRising #ThirdPerson #Zombies #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#deadrising #thirdperson #zombies #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
Rebecca Chang from Dead Rising 2 nude beach
#sfm #deadrising #milf #nudism #exhibitionism #nude #beach
My regular Friday gaming chum and I have finished as much as we can stomach of #DeadRising 3 (it needs a Nightmare runthrough but we failed by running out of time at the very end and we can’t face trying again immediately), so we’re starting #MonsterHunter: World tonight!
I’ve only ever briefly played MH3 Ultimate on the #WiiU and it left me utterly baffled — hoping not to bounce off this one so readily! Any spoiler-free tips gratefully received.
#deadrising #monsterhunter #wiiu #shareyourgames #mstdngames #pcgaming
Aaaaaaaaaaand live!! Overtime... I'm doing overtime... I thought I got out of work 4hrs ago?? #DeadRising
Hope y'all can drop by!! ^_^
I can't believe it's not over. Not mad, not in the slightest bit, just super surprised. xD More #DeadRising here in a little over an hour!
Aaaaaaaaand live!! Will we see the thrilling and wacky conclusion to the zombie mall??? #DeadRising
Hope y'all can drop by!! ^_^
1hr shall possibly see the closing of Willamette Mall! #DeadRising See y'all then!! ^_^
Aaaaaaaaand live!! Time to see how much more vandalism we can create in the Willamette Mall! #DeadRising
Hope y'all can drop by!! ^_^
Aaaaaaaaand live!! Time is of the essence. As is 2x4's and nerf guns. #DeadRising
Hope y'all can drop by!! ^_^
More zombies getting the magazine slaps here in about an hour! :P #DeadRising See y'all then!! ^_^
Aaaaaaaaand live!! Hundreds of zombies and a mall full of anything and everything that I can use as a weapon. Oh, what ever am I to do? #DeadRising
Hope y'all can drop by!! ^_^
They're putting zombies in malls now. PR needs some heavy talking to. Starting #DeadRising in an 1.5hrs!! ^_^
Gameplay footage has emerged of the canceled Dead Rising 5, featuring Chuck Greene as he finds a new apocalypse in the Mexican jungle. #DEADRISING https://gamesense.co/game/dead-rising/news/discuss/canceled-dead-rising-5-game-video-emerges/
I just want to talk about the #DeadRising series, especially the first two games. So many poor UI choices, creepy character design and odd bugs. They are hard games to love, and I cannot in good conscience recommend them to anyone without a passing interest in masochism.
But love them I do. I’m not sure if it’s the (effective) time loop mechanic, but they get their claws in deep and I feel bereft when it’s time to say goodbye.
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #XboxSeriesX #XboxOne #BATMANARKHAMKNIGHT #MortalKombat #forzahorizon4 #DOOM #trackmania #Theevilwithin #deadrising #injustice2 #TEKKEN7 #Halo
#XboxSeriesX #xboxone #batmanarkhamknight #mortalkombat #forzahorizon4 #doom #trackmania #theevilwithin #deadrising #injustice2 #tekken7 #halo
This is your annual reminder that this is the best Xmas decoration. #xmas #DeadRising
Dead Rising 1 and 2 Make it as Steam Deck Verified Titles: https://boilingsteam.com/dead-rising-1-and-2-make-it-as-steam-deck-verified/ #linux #linuxgaming #proton #hardware #steamplay #steamdeck #valve #verified #deadrising
#linux #linuxgaming #proton #hardware #steamplay #SteamDeck #valve #verified #deadrising
SĂ, això sembla. Potser el joc busque fer-li competència a #Capcom i el seu #DeadRising, en comptes de ser un tĂtol de terror. A la setmana que ve ho sabrem :)!
La saga #DeadRising ja es troba afegida a la nostra llista de #BeatEmUpHorror. #Xbox360 #Wii #Windows #PlayStation4 #XboxOne #PlayStation3 #openworld #Capcom https://xequinpasmeblog.wordpress.com/altres-generes-de-terror/beat-em-up-horror/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixwM1DAnykU
#deadrising #beatemuphorror #xbox360 #wii #windows #playstation4 #xboxone #playstation3 #openworld #capcom