Gizmodo: Four Roman Swords Found Hidden in Judean Desert Cave #firstjewishromanwar #barkokhbarevolt #deadseascrolls #jewishrefugees #simonbarkokhba #judaeandesert #caveofletters #boazlangford #warconflict #eitanklein #shaihalevi #asafgayer #eingedi #sword #pilum #judea
#firstjewishromanwar #barkokhbarevolt #deadseascrolls #jewishrefugees #simonbarkokhba #judaeandesert #caveofletters #boazlangford #warconflict #eitanklein #shaihalevi #asafgayer #eingedi #sword #pilum #judea
Palm Sunday.
The #Assines: a proto-monastic donkey community based in caves alongside the Dead Sea, where they trained to be the donkey that would carry the Messiah into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and not be spooked by doves.
#Asstodon #PalmSunbray #Essenes #DeadSeaScrolls #equinetheology
#deadseascrolls #equinetheology #assines #asstodon #palmsunbray #essenes
I haven't yet explored the biblical donkey's perspective, and it could be that in Palestine in the first century AD, a young donkey - possibly part of the People's Popular Front of Judaea, or the #Assines, trained to expect the Messiah at any moment - may have been more disciplined and refrained from eating the palms. 🤗
#assines #asstodon #palmsunbray #deadseascrolls #essines
Who wants to learn about the Dead Sea Scrolls from an expert with a soothing Irish accent? YOU DO!
#yale #YDS #YaleDivinitySchool #DeadSeaScrolls #Judaism #BiblicalCanon #Biblicalarcheology
#biblicalarcheology #biblicalcanon #judaism #deadseascrolls #yaledivinityschool #yds #yale
#TodayInHistory Israel obtains 4 of the 7 Dead Sea scrolls in 1955, whose content was published in a 40 volume series known as Discoveries in the Judaean Desert. These scrolls were ancient Jewish manuscripts discovered in the Qumran Caves in the Judaean Desert.
#deadseascrolls #Israel #todayinhistory
During the lockdown, I came across this article and began to look into this scholar's research. By following his footnotes and clues provided, I learned for myself that there are too many holes in prior scholarship on Essene-Qumran theory. And yet this man faced a backlash for pointing them out in his career.
#bible #deadseascrolls #Qumran #NormanGolb #Essenes #masada #christianity #oldtestament #religion #religions #faith #lds #mormon #mormonism #Josephus
#josephus #mormonism #mormon #lds #faith #religions #religion #oldtestament #christianity #masada #essenes #normangolb #Qumran #deadseascrolls #bible
The book of Jonah is the fifth book in the Christian canons and the Jewish Tanakh. It is one of 'Trei Asar' (The Twelve) prophets in the tanakh, and in Christian tradition as 'oi dodeka prophetai' or 'ton dodekapropheton' , Greek for "The twelve prophets." It is an important book to both religious traditions (Christianity and Jewish) because of its message of doom upon Israel's long-time enemy... #Bible #Christianity #DeadSeaScrolls #History
#History #deadseascrolls #christianity #bible
Fascinating article here:
Deciphering ancient texts with modern tools, Michael Langlois challenges what we know about the Dead Sea Scrolls
#DeadSeaScrolls #BiblicalArchaeology #BiblicalArcheology #BookOfEnoch #Bible #MeshaStele #KingDavid
#kingdavid #meshastele #bible #bookofenoch #biblicalarcheology #biblicalarchaeology #deadseascrolls
Dr Justin Sledge looks at demonological & exorcism literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls & Attributed to King David
#demonlolgy #exorcism #Judaism #NewTestament #DeadSeaScrolls #bible
#demonlolgy #exorcism #judaism #newtestament #deadseascrolls #bible
@Odedrechavi and more importantly top science insights #epigenetics #Celegans #neuroscience #deadseascrolls and many more
#epigenetics #neuroscience #deadseascrolls #Celegans
Hidden Christianity: Forgotten Scriptures, Ignored Saints, Misplaced Mystics -- Fragments of a Faith Forgotten -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast
@ YouTube:
@ Apple:
@ Spotify:
#podcasts #spiritualitypodcasts #religion #Christianity #NewTestament #Bible #DeadSeaScrolls #GnosticScriptures #GospelofThomas #LostBooksoftheBible #Mindfulness #Spirituality #SpiritualAwakeningRadio
#podcasts #SpiritualityPodcasts #religion #christianity #newtestament #bible #deadseascrolls #GnosticScriptures #gospelofthomas #lostbooksofthebible #mindfulness #spirituality #spiritualawakeningradio
Today am releasing to the podcast world my older program about the Books of Enoch. My new podcast this week will feature a Rumi poem that mentions Enoch so I wanted to have my Enoch program up and available at all the podcast apps. See: with links to major podcast sites.
#lostbooksofthebible #bible #apocrypha #deadseascrolls #bookofenoch #booksofenoch #enoch #podcasts #religion #spirituality #spiritualawakeningradio #heaven #heavens #ascension #ascensionofthesoul
#ascensionofthesoul #apocrypha #heaven #lostbooksofthebible #deadseascrolls #religion #spirituality #bible #enoch #podcasts #bookofenoch #booksofenoch #spiritualawakeningradio #heavens #ascension
My Top Ten List of Essene, Christian/Ebionite/Gnostic, and Mandaean Scriptures, First Century Through the Eighth Century AD:
#NagHammadi #NagHammadiScriptures #thenaghammadilibrary #gnosticgospels #gospelofthehebrews #Gnostic #Gnosis #Essene #Mandaean #OdesOfSolomon #GospelOfThomas #GospelOfMaryMagdalene #clementinehomilies #trimorphicprotennoia
#deadseascrolls #songsofthesabbathsacrifice #gospelofthehebrews
#syriacfathersonprayerandthespirituallife #mystics
#gnosis #essene #mandaean #odesofsolomon #gospelofthomas #gospelofmarymagdalene #clementinehomilies #trimorphicprotennoia #deadseascrolls #songsofthesabbathsacrifice #syriac #syriacfathersonprayerandthespirituallife #naghammadi #naghammadiscriptures #thenaghammadilibrary #gnosticgospels #gospelofthehebrews #gnostic #mystics
PODCAST: The Case For The Book of ENOCH As Scripture (I, II, & III Enoch):
#BookOfEnoch #LostBooksOfTheBible #Enoch #SecretsOfEnoch #AscensionOfTheSoul #TheSevenHeavens #BookOfEnochTheProphet #Apocrypha #Pseudepigrapha #DeadSeaScrolls #Bible #EthiopianBible #Ethiopia #SantMat #Sant_Mat #Radhasoami #Meditation #SoulTravel #SpiritualAwakeningRadio #Podcasts #Spirituality #SantKirpalSingh #Gnostic #SpiritualPodcasts #SpiritualRadio
#bookofenoch #lostbooksofthebible #enoch #secretsofenoch #ascensionofthesoul #bookofenochtheprophet #deadseascrolls #thesevenheavens #apocrypha #pseudepigrapha #bible #ethiopianbible #ethiopia #santmat #sant_mat #radhasoami #meditation #soultravel #spiritualawakeningradio #podcasts #spirituality #santkirpalsingh #gnostic #spiritualpodcasts #spiritualradio