#AustinMajors, child actor in the 1990s and 2000s, died February 11 at the age of 27 in a homeless facility from suspected fentanyl poisoning. Majors' best known role was as Theo Sipowics on #NYPDBlue. He also appeared on #Providence, #ER, #Threshold, #AccordingToJim, #NCIS, #DesperateHousewives and #HowIMetYourMother. He also did voice work for #TreasurePlanet, #Hercules, #TheAntBully, #AmericanDad and #DeadSilence. #RIP
#austinmajors #nypdblue #providence #er #threshold #accordingtojim #ncis #desperatehousewives #howimetyourmother #treasureplanet #hercules #theantbully #americandad #deadsilence #rip
Després de les vacances de Nadal, Terrible Visió torna a la rutina!
I com no podia ser d'altra manera començem la 3a temporada parlant de #M3GAN amés d'altres pel·lícules amb ninos, com són #PIN i #DeadSilence
A iVoox, Spotify, Apple Podcast, etc
You’re getting anything but #DeadSilence as @attentionseekinggeek returns to the podcast! To celebrate the release of #M3GAN, we take a look back at #JamesWan’s 2nd attempt at making a puppet named Billy into a horror icon! #PrepareForPrattle https://bit.ly/3HistwP
#maryshaw #horror #horrormovies #horrormovie #billy #horrorfilm #thriller #ryankwanten #creepy #theconjuringuniverse #annabelledoll #horrorfan #ventriloquist #doll #horrorart #cinema #deadsilencemovie #theconjuring #annabelle
#deadsilence #m3gan #jameswan #prepareforprattle #MaryShaw #horror #HorrorMovies #horrormovie #billy #horrorfilm #thriller #ryankwanten #creepy #theconjuringuniverse #annabelledoll #horrorfan #ventriloquist #doll #horrorart #cinema #deadsilencemovie #theconjuring #Annabelle
The @attentionseekinggeek & I didn’t quite get around to doing our Top 5 Creepy Doll Movies for the release of @meetm3gan but our review of #DeadSilence is out Friday! However I thought I’d share my @letterboxd research with you anyway… #PrepareForPrattle https://boxd.it/ixfiS
#m3gan #gan #horror #ganmovie #megan #blumhouse #horrormovies #allisonwilliams #jameswan #violetmcgraw #movie #movies #film #gerardjohnstone #moviereview #blumhouseproductions #robot #jasonblum #jennadavis
#deadsilence #prepareforprattle #m3gan #gan #horror #ganmovie #megan #blumhouse #HorrorMovies #allisonwilliams #jameswan #violetmcgraw #movie #movies #film #gerardjohnstone #moviereview #blumhouseproductions #robot #jasonblum #jennadavis
For the 2nd podcast of 2023 instead of doing our Top 5 #CreepyDollMovies #attentionseekinggeek & I will be looking at the king of creepy dolls #JamesWan’s #DeadSilence (available on @netflixuk) to celebrate the release of the film he’s producing atm @meetm3gan #PrepareForPrattle
#theconjuring #aquaman #annabelle #horror #patrickwilson #horrormovies #saw #verafarmiga #thenun #conjuring #insidious #theconjuringuniverse #jasonmomoa #annabellecomeshome #movie #horrormovie #invoca #valak
#creepydollmovies #attentionseekinggeek #jameswan #deadsilence #prepareforprattle #theconjuring #aquaman #Annabelle #horror #patrickwilson #HorrorMovies #saw #verafarmiga #thenun #conjuring #insidious #theconjuringuniverse #jasonmomoa #annabellecomeshome #movie #horrormovie #invoca #valak
So my yearly book reads are about typical for me. Only about one per month -- since I don't read any times other than my lunch hours and in doctor's waiting rooms and ERs/Hospitals (my husband is complicated that way).
#TheThreeBodyProblem #DeadSilence #ExpeditionaryForce #DancerFromTheDance #LeviathanFalls #TimeIsAMother #InhibitorPhase #TheLordOfTheSandsOfTime #StarTrekDestinyMereMortals #StarTrekDestinyLostSouls #The1619Project #FugitiveTelemetry #Citadel #Books #Bookstodon #SciFiBooks
#thethreebodyproblem #deadsilence #expeditionaryforce #dancerfromthedance #leviathanfalls #timeisamother #inhibitorphase #thelordofthesandsoftime #startrekdestinymeremortals #startrekdestinylostsouls #the1619project #fugitivetelemetry #Citadel #books #bookstodon #scifibooks
@Danslalune Which #Movies scared me the most...
And many more 💀☠️
#movies #theblairwitchproject #undertheshadow #theforest #theconjuring2 #mindhunters #jeeperscreepers #deadsilence #graveencounters #asabovesobelow #orphan
TFW your library's closing in an hour & you're reading such good books (#DeadSilence by #SABarnes & #TheSandman #TheWake by @neilhimself) & anticipating the worst #bookhangover ever during #Thanksgiving which is just unacceptable so you scramble to set yourself up for some solid options 😊
#deadsilence #sabarnes #thesandman #thewake #bookhangover #thanksgiving
Last night I got started reading #DeadSilence by #SABarnes and I'm loving it. The world needs eleventy billion more variations of haunted abandoned space ship stories (my favorite of which is #EventHorizon).
I inadvertently cast the character 'Kane' in this book as #ChristianKane and so far it totally fits ngl.
Tags: #Books #Bookstodon #Horror #SciFi #SpaceHorror #HorrorSciFi
#deadsilence #sabarnes #eventhorizon #christiankane #books #bookstodon #horror #scifi #spacehorror #horrorscifi
@grryboy @YayForThat @LukeySixx 2000s Part 2:
- #DeadSilence (2007)
- #ParanormalActivity (2007)
- #Rec (2007)
- #TheStrangers (2008)
- #Orphan (2009)
#deadsilence #paranormalactivity #rec #thestrangers #orphan
Finished #DeadSilence . Good book! I thought the ending was good too. Glad I didn't dnf.
It did not go the way I expected it to. It went in a way that I've been butt deep in otherwise. But I enjoyed that tbh.
I know its not a new trope by any means, but "The person with psychosis being the one unaffected by the horror because they already know It Ain't Real," is working well here. Also makes for a good Unreliable Narrator.
#TourmaReads #deadsilence #sabarnes #horror #scifi #book
Reading "Dead Silence" by S.A. Barnes. It's a sci fi ghost ship book. I'm not usually one for horror. It's...good, but the tension is mounting at 40% and the spoop hasn't even started yet.
#tourmareading #books #horror #deadsilence #sabarnes #scifi #spoopy