Joy Division - Licht und Blindheit (EP - 1980) - Invidious
Releasedate: 18.03.1980
#OTD #ReleaseDay #Atmosphere #DeadSouls #JoyDivision #PostPunk
#otd #releaseday #atmosphere #deadsouls #joydivision #postpunk
#DeadSouls as a business plan. @Chichikov and #Charliejavice
I just dug out my #PlayStation3 to replay #Yakuza #DeadSouls
It's weird playing this #PS3 #LikeADragon #zombie #spinoff during a global pandemic. There are familiar sights like people wearing face masks on their chins instead of over their mouths and noses. There are even #Karens.
#playstation3 #yakuza #deadsouls #ps3 #likeadragon #zombie #spinoff #Karens
#NYJ, born the same year as #OsamabinLaden, I closed my legal practice so I could spend more time looking for my #phone.#Koreatown #SurrogateCourthouse #SeagramsBuilding #DeliriousNewYork #TheFreshman #SomeLikeItHot #AbbottandCostelloMeetFrankenstein #ClunyBrown #KarenRussell #RivkaGalchen #DashiellHammett #MasterandMargarita #DeadSouls #TheRadetskyMarch #WithoutFeathers #EasyMoney #JoshuaFerris #MarcelTheShellWithShoesOn #TheSparksBrothers #ThePrisoner #FroggytheGremlin #Ishtar #RichardBoone
#richardboone #Ishtar #froggythegremlin #theprisoner #thesparksbrothers #marceltheshellwithshoeson #joshuaferris #easymoney #withoutfeathers #theradetskymarch #deadsouls #masterandmargarita #dashiellhammett #rivkagalchen #karenrussell #clunybrown #abbottandcostellomeetfrankenstein #SomeLikeItHot #thefreshman #deliriousnewyork #seagramsbuilding #surrogatecourthouse #koreatown #phone #osamabinladen #nyj
" was one of those faces which is designated in common life as a 'jug phiz'." Nikolai #Gogol #DeadSouls
"...exactly like all taverns in provincial towns, where, for two roubles a day, travellers receive a sleeping-room with beetles which peep out of every corner like plums..." Nikolai #Gogol #DeadSouls
I can't even begin to finish this song because of this ridiculous man.
#yakuza #deadsouls #majimagoro