Finally some paint on some #ManticGames minis. A Dreadball MVP for the Rebs in #Deadzone, and a Krastavor and some drones for the growing #Firefight Mazon Labs army...
#manticgames #deadzone #firefight
Painting some plastic scifi rats.
#minipainting #deadzone #skaven
#minipainting #deadzone #skaven
#ManticGames #DeadZone at #DarkSphere last night - my Asterians were poorly deployed and took a bit of a pasting from some beautifully painted Napoleonic steampunk Grognard GCPS, but really fun game with a lot of exploding 8s and laughs. #deadzoneislife !
#manticgames #deadzone #darksphere #deadzoneislife
Weekend hobbying, got distracted from finishing Saxons with these two #ManticGames #DeadZone figures for a game on Wednesday. Two Asterians (elves that are from spaaaace), a Black Talon construct and Nem' Rath, a living legend... #mantic
#manticgames #deadzone #mantic
Ocean currents, agricultural runoff, landscape, and a variety of other local and regional conditions mean that our oceans have just as diverse an array of habitats as dry land, if not more. Consequently, while we know that, overall oceanic oxygen levels are decreasing, that doesn’t actually tell us how that is progressing in different ecosystems. For that, we actually need to pay people to go check. Fortunately, while I think we don’t spend enough on that, we do spend quite a bit on it, as a species, and so we have some new information about how the ocean’s deoxygenation is progressing in what may be the single most “charismatic” set of oceanic ecosystems – coral reefs.
#GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Hypoxia #Anoxia #DeadZone #Coral #Reef
#globalwarming #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #hypoxia #anoxia #deadzone #coral #reef
Ocean currents, agricultural runoff, landscape, and a variety of other local and regional conditions mean that our oceans have just as diverse an array of habitats as dry land, if not more. Consequently, while we know that, overall oceanic oxygen levels are decreasing, that doesn’t actually tell us how that is progressing in different ecosystems. For that, we actually need to pay people to go check. Fortunately, while I think we don’t spend enough on that, we do spend quite a bit on it, as a species, and so we have some new information about how the ocean’s deoxygenation is progressing in what may be the single most “charismatic” set of oceanic ecosystems – coral reefs.
#GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Hypoxia #Anoxia #DeadZone #Coral #Reef
#globalwarming #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #hypoxia #anoxia #deadzone #coral #reef
Very small fix to my #Deadzone 3rd edition rules & reference, in the listing for Smoke.
#Deadzone 3rd edition rules & reference v1.3 fixes two small typos on the first Abilities reference page.
Whoops! My #Deadzone 3rdEd rules & reference was missing the survive test modifiers in an assault. But don't worry, it's all been fixed now in v1.2.
@Tattooed_mummy it’s the #DeadZone. One of my friends saw a ghost in her flat at this time of year.
#7SeriesToKnowMe - #SciFi & #Action Comfort Shows Edition
☑️ #TheTwilightZone Timeless!
☑️ #Stargate SG-1 Where all planets look like British Columbia. Jaffa, Kree!
☑️ #Sliders Created by Tracy Tormé + #MelTormé cameo!
☑️ #DoctorWho - ALLONS-Y!
☑️ #Chuck Fun spy comedy show. Don’t freak out!
☑️ #DeadZone Closer to my 🖤 than ever
☑️ #HumanTarget What happens when Chi McBride's character from #PushingDaisies gets tired of Ned's antics & wants some action!
Exciting s01 soundtrack by #BearMcCreary
#7seriestoknowme #SciFi #action #thetwilightzone #Stargate #sliders #meltorme #doctorwho #chuck #deadzone #humantarget #PushingDaisies #bearmccreary
Been obsessed with mantic games lately. #mymantic #kingsofwar #deadzone
#mymantic #KingsofWar #deadzone
#MyMantic #KingsOfWar #Deadzone #Mantic
Been reading the Kings Of War rulebook and learning about deadzone. Deadzone has an amazing movement system.
#mymantic #KingsofWar #deadzone #mantic
#mymantic #mantic #kingsofwar #Deadzone
I'm really excited to learn kings of war and Deadzone they both look awesome
#mymantic #mantic #KingsofWar #deadzone
Satellites cast critical eye on coastal dead zones
A #DeadZone in the #ocean is as bad as it sounds. Being clueless about dead zones scope and path is worse. Scientists at Michigan State University (MSU) have discovered a birds-eye method to predict where, when and how long dead zones persist across large coastal regions.
#Mantic #Kingsofwar #KOW #Deadzone #Firefight
Does anyone else play Mantic Games or own mantic models? They're one of my favorite model companies next to bad squido and other smaller artists. They offer a cheaper alternative to GW
#mantic #KingsofWar #kow #deadzone #firefight
@hergehoert_de Von #Deadzone habe ich gerade das dritte #Hoerspiel angehört, dass da offiziell bei Youtube hochgeladen wurde. Gefällt mir auch sehr gut. Wird garantiert einer der nächsten Artikel hier:
A game of #deadzone was had and enjoyed. I like Mantic games in theory but are annoyed they aren't just putting our their rules and army builder completely free like Para Bellum and Corvus Belli. Your product should be miniatures are you are not GW.
Still, a pretty fun casual game.
#miniature #miniatures #wargame #skirmish #scifi #plague #warhammer
#deadzone #miniature #miniatures #wargame #skirmish #scifi #plague #warhammer
Waiting for my opponent with his half of the terrain. Going to play some #mantic #deadzone at Red Dragon Ottawa.
#miniature #miniatures #wargame #wargaming #plague #skirmish #scifi #terrain #painting
#mantic #deadzone #miniature #miniatures #wargame #wargaming #plague #skirmish #scifi #terrain #painting