That Deaf Guy · @ItsThatDeafGuy
218 followers · 810 posts · Server

Being an avid goer I have been a ambassador for many years. Stagetext provide for the and with both theatre and talks all across the UK. They provide an invaluable service and yet a lot of the are unaware of them.

So I'm raising some here for the UK folks, if you fancy going to the theatre or see if any talks take your fancy you can check Stagetext's 'What's On' listing here:

#theatre #stagetext #captioning #accessibility #deaf #hardofhearing #deafcommunity #deafawareness #deafaccessibility #captionedtheatre #theatrecaptions #theatrecaptioning #captions

Last updated 1 year ago

That Deaf Guy · @ItsThatDeafGuy
198 followers · 1745 posts · Server

I'm nothing like Amanda Palmer and this goes against my very nature alas I'm stuck. If anyone can help would you be kind enough to buy me a some 's? My is dying on its butt and I'm not sure what else I can do, for me my computer system plays a huge part with my . Urgh, so sorry to ask.

#kofi #computersystem #deafaccessibility #deaf #canyouhelp #capitalismsucks #stuckinarut #disability #disabilityaccess #deafaccess

Last updated 1 year ago

That Deaf Guy · @ItsThatDeafGuy
197 followers · 1717 posts · Server

Not one of the repeat performances has ..... zero , FUCK YOU BBC!

#bbc #glasto #iplayer #deafaccessibility #subtitling

Last updated 1 year ago

That Deaf Guy · @ItsThatDeafGuy
187 followers · 1532 posts · Server

Is anyone else having issues with the on when using with your , i.e. the captions turn off after an ? I'm getting really frustrated with it, it's bad enough having adverts seemingly every other minute and the constant for their Premium upgrade. Urgh.

#captioning #youtube #chromecast #TV #adbreak #popups #deafawareness #deafaccessibility #accessibility #subtitles

Last updated 1 year ago