They won't know they have done anything wrong.
And they will be blocked by #Publishers. Per a couple of sites. That do not describe what they consider #AI.
Spell and Grammar Check were listed on one site. Do they consider Word, Scrivener, #ScreenReaders, #Dictation (Dragon), and Read Back programs that allow #Blind, #DeafBlind, #Autistic people, and people with cognitive disabilities to write?
How many #Disabled #Authors will these polices block from being published?
#authors #disabled #autistic #deafblind #blind #dictation #screenreaders #ai #publishers
#Writers check your #ShortStory #Publishers sites well.
The blocking #AI craze is going strong.
Yesterday, one market called #SpellCheck an AI and does not want your work if you use spell check. Doesn't every #Author use spell (and grammar) check?
Another claims if they suspect the story is AI, they will block your email, and not even reply or verify.
#Autistic, #Blind, #DeafBlind, cognitively disabled, and people for whom English is a second language will be left forever waiting on a reply.
#deafblind #blind #autistic #author #spellcheck #ai #publishers #shortstory #writers
@techsinger @devinprater Unrelated but just since you said you only use mastodon I wanted to invite you to check out the #blind discord servers, there is one that can be reached through my profile that's run by the people behind the blind reddit and lemmy communities, it has about 630 people including plenty of #deafblind people and there is another that Devin is in that's got about 330 people.
I have had an email conversation with #Draft2Digital twice.
They know they are:
Breaking the law.
They don't care.
Their choice is to have a sighted person make an account, and be given access to do all the publishing for the blind person.
Is anyone going to do that for free?
Would you trust a random stranger with your account information, if you can't get in and fix it?
#Accessibility for #Blind and #DeafBlind people matter.
#deafblind #blind #accessibility #draft2digital
However, the other #Publishing sites sites, and aggregators, such as #Draft2Digital, refuse to be #Accessible. They refuse to acknowledge #ADA.
They refuse to allow #Blind and #DeafBlind authors, by insisting on blocking their sites with #Captuas that require a well sighted person to have your account information.
#Accessibility matters.
It shouldn't have to be law, though it is. It should be common sense.
Companies should want to be inclusive.
#accessibility #captuas #deafblind #blind #ada #accessible #draft2digital #publishing
Honestly, if this doctor doesn’t realize that most of their patients are over the age of 50, and at least partially blind and deaf, is there any chance they realize #EDS means anesthesia has to be very specific.
Seriously. Doctors should keep records online, not depending on microscopic print. And also not depending on phones.
And yes, they are connected and can see my chart to know I am #DeafBlind.
Multi disabled. #DeafBlind. #EDS. #ActuallyAutistic
Doctor wants me to have a colonoscopy. This doctor regularly treats 50+ year old people.
Doctor she wanted me to go sent something a while back. Unreadable. I don’t have a ten year to try to determine of the dots are words.
Then a message with a non respondable letter on MyChart. It had a phone number to call. I don’t have anyone available to do a talky either.
Then today, a mailed letter, in light grey font.
1 of 2
#deafblind #eds #actuallyautistic
@JoyOrlando I hear they’re good with #DeafBlind folks. Have considered going there for re-training as I continue to lose hearing.
Today's poem:
Oregon State Hospital
- by Roberto Cabrera
#poetry #oregon #facility #doctors #power #RobertoCabrera #hospital #deafblind #abuse #research #Youtube
#poetry #oregon #facility #doctors #power #robertocabrera #hospital #deafblind #abuse #research #youtube
#DeafBlind #MakingItWork I can't really enjoy listening to music anymore, and music it something I love, but I've lost the ability to hear so many frequencies. This has been bothering me for quite a while, and I've been praying about a solution to this. Finally I have an answer. I'm going to create a folder of song lyrics of my favorite songs. When I read them or listen to the words, I can hear the notes in my head. 😺 🎶
RT Lauren Fletcher-Harris
Re @rejadam @WFDeaf_org Wonderful that the #SignUnionFlag has finally been ratified after all these years. Worth noting that Arnaud is #Deafblind. Bravo Arnaud! 👋🏻👋🏻
Vanessa Vlajkovic is a subeditor at ABC News. She's also Deafblind, here's how she does her job
#deafblind #disabilityawareness #journalism #media
This week's blog post is out! Featuring the Helen Keller Services AccessAbility awards, NV Access are hiring, RBlind on Lemmy, the Blind Accessible Research & Exploration Jam on, and a walkthrough of #NVDA #Braille settings. Happy #DeafBlind awareness week!
Vanessa is a subeditor at ABC News. She's also Deafblind, here's how she does her job What a wonderfully informative & interesting article. #Blindness #DeafBlind #Deafness
#blindness #deafblind #deafness
🌻☀️Hyvää kuurosokeuspäivää!☀️🌻
#HelenKeller #kuurosokea #Deafblind #kuulonäkövamma #kuulonäkövammainen
#helenkeller #kuurosokea #deafblind #kuulonakovamma #kuulonakovammainen
I challenge anyone who's experience here is improved because of image, GIF, video, or audio descriptions to personally thank at least 3 people each week for doing them!
Reminding people that taking the time to do it is making a tangible positive impact and causing others to see the social benefits as well is a great way to encourage them.
#blind #lowvision #visuallyimpaired #deaf #hardofhearing #hearingimpairment #deafblind #neurodiverse #autism #disability #accessibility #a11y #access
A great day out was had. Myself and my support worker went in to #Melbourne where I met up with the #DeafBlind group. We had lunch, and then a guest speaker spoke about #mentalhealth. It was very informative. I then had a quick coffee before heading home and having lamb steaks with mashed potatoes for dinner.
#melbourne #deafblind #mentalhealth
To my #Deafblind #LowVision and/or #Blind friends in the digiworld: this question is a bit more geared to having some sight, but certainly fully non-visual peeps are encouraged to answer too! Between a (visual) message notification that appears as a ribbon at the top of a screen or a number (in the form of a small bubble) on a menu icon. Assuming AT announced a message alert on page load, do you find more value in an alert bar or notification/number bubble (like you'd find on an app)?
To my #Deafblind #LowVision and/or #Blind friends in the digiworld: this question is a bit more geared to having some sight, but certainly fully non-visual peeps are encouraged to answer too! Between a (visual) message notification that appears as a ribbon at the top of a screen or a number (in the form of a small bubble) on a menu icon. Assuming AT announced a message alert on page load, do you find more value in an alert bar or notification/number bubble (like you'd find on an app)?
Olen pettynyt NKL (Näkövammaisten Liitto) toimintaan. Mulle luvattiin et mun ei tarvi ostaa itse omaa joustokeppiä. Odotin, odotin, odotin ja lopulta sairaalassa sanottiin ettei keppiä tipu, vaan pitää tyytyä peruskeppiin.
Joten ostin nyt sitten lopulta sen kauian odotetun joustokepin. Ei ois pitänyt luottaa asiantuntijoiden puheisiin.
#näkövamma #näkövammainen #kuulonäkövammainen #kuulonäkövamma #kuurosokea #deafblind #valkoinenkeppi #WhiteCane #esteettömyys #saavutettavuus #vammaiset
#nakovamma #nakovammainen #kuulonakovammainen #kuulonakovamma #kuurosokea #deafblind #valkoinenkeppi #whitecane #esteettomyys #saavutettavuus #vammaiset