Haptic suits enhance concert experiences for deaf and hard-of-hearing people. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/17/1186173942/vibrating-haptic-suits-give-deaf-people-a-new-way-to-feel-live-music?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-npr&utm_content=later-36545239&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkin.bio #deafculture #music #haptics
Strobe photography of signing two concepts in ASL (American SIgn Language): "bring together" and "inform" (1979)
#signlanguage #asl #photography #deafculture
I just spent 27 minutes learning a lot about #BlackASL in the Signing Black in America video: https://youtu.be/oiLltM1tJ9M I gained a lot of respect for Deaf culture by reading Oliver Sacks’ “Seeing Voices” years ago. Tonight, I just learned about Black ASL from this video. Fascinating and rich history, but also tragic to discover the segregation and racism that affects this culture, too. (I cannot sign at all, unfortunately. I am just fascinated by languages.) #Deaf #DeafCulture #Language #ASL
#blackasl #deaf #deafculture #language #asl
Because of segration, #BlackDeaf people developed their own distinctive version of American Sign Language. Here's a page on #BlackASL and #BlackDeafHistory made by CSDHH in Greensboro, NC (where so much other #CivilRights activity has happened!) for #BlackHistoryMonth in 2021: http://www.csdhh.org/black-asl. Definitely worth circulating every year!
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #BlackTwitter #ASL #BASL #DeafCulture
#deafculture #basl #ASL #blacktwitter #BlackFedi #BlackMastodon #BlackHistoryMonth #civilrights #blackdeafhistory #BlackASL #blackdeaf
Cool page. I didn't realize how recently text teletypes were (are?) still in use. VRS isn't something I even knew existed.
Ìm out cruising in my scooter. A man stop his car to ask me a question. I drove over to him and got my phone out and open my voice to text app to read what he was saying. I told him to speak louder because I'm deaf. I knew he wanted directions. All I read was "im sorry." #nf2 #deafculture
Today at my personal journal: In Which Your Humble Narrator Learns #ASL #SignLanguage For The First Time, And Accidentally Discovers The Smart, Subversive Pleasures of #LizzyWeiss's #DeafCulture Teen Soap Opera #SwitchedAtBirth https://write.as/jasonpettus/those-sexy-deaf-teens-sure-are-courageous
#asl #signlanguage #lizzyweiss #deafculture #switchedatbirth