Hard-of-hearing music fans prefer a different sound - PhysOrg #HearingLoss #deafness https://phys.org/news/2023-08-hard-of-hearing-music-fans.html
Haptic Suits Let You Feel Music Through Your Skin - Wearable backpacks designed by Music: Not Impossible, which allow people to experience mu... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/20/style/haptic-suits-deaf-music.html #lincolncenterfortheperformingarts #music:notimpossible #earsandhearing #hapticsuits #deafness #music
#deafness #hapticsuits #earsandhearing #music #lincolncenterfortheperformingarts
@lucie_bogaert gesturing and speaking brilliantly of "Nonword repetition in children with cochlear implants using different speech and language rehabilitation approaches” @icphs2023 this morning in Prague
@GipsaLab @lpnc_cnrs
#LfPC #CuedSpeech #AVT #inclusion #deafness
#deafness #inclusion #avt #cuedspeech #LfPC
#Deafness induces complete #crossmodal #plasticity in a belt region of dorsal #auditory #cortex https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ejn.16075 "In early-deaf dorsal zone of auditory cortex, no auditory activation was observed, but 100% of the neurons were responsive to #visual cues"; #multisensory #neuroscience
#neuroscience #multisensory #visual #cortex #auditory #plasticity #crossmodal #deafness
Vanessa is a subeditor at ABC News. She's also Deafblind, here's how she does her job
https://www.abc.net.au/news/backstory/2023-06-29/vanessa-vlajkovic-deafblind-subeditor-disability-awareness/102528366 What a wonderfully informative & interesting article. #Blindness #DeafBlind #Deafness
#blindness #deafblind #deafness
Research using a new mouse model of connexin 26-deficient congenital #deafness reveals preserved neural activity in cochlear supporting cells, suggesting they could be engaged by cochlear prostheses #PLOSBiology #hearing #neuroscience
#neuroscience #hearing #plosbiology #deafness
As if you didn’t love Rose Ayling-Ellis enough already, she goes and makes this programme – a very sharp observation on how society view and treat people with deafness.
This is amazing! Subtitles in real-time, for the hearing impaired! :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
#hearingimpaired #strides #deaf #deafness
A Deaf, autistic man has gained a Licentiate qualification from the Royal Photographic Society. He finds his camera to be both a comfort and a way of capturing images people often overlook.
#GoodNews #Disability #Deafness #Autism #Photography #Art #Beauty
#goodnews #disability #deafness #autism #photography #art #beauty
Gene therapy: an emerging therapy for hair cells regeneration in the cochlea https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2023.1177791/full #GeneTherapy #cochlea #deafness #sensorineural hearing loss
#sensorineural #deafness #cochlea #genetherapy
https://www.masseyeandear.org/news/press-releases/2023/04/mass-eye-and-ear-hearing-scientists-use-drug-like-cocktail-to-regenerate-hair-cells #hearing #deafness #medicine #hairCells #geneTherapy #viralDelivery
#viraldelivery #genetherapy #haircells #medicine #deafness #hearing
Supreme Court Unanimously Gets Thing ... Right? https://www.wonkette.com/supreme-court-unanimously-gets-thing-right
#Supreme_court #Nice_time #Miguel_luna_perez #Michigan #Sturgis_michigan #Scotus #Disability_rights #Individuals_with_disabilities_education_act #Idea #Americans_with_disabilities_act #Deafness #American_sign_language #Education_aides #Free_appropriate_public_education #Language_development #Damages #Neil_gorsuch #Lawsuit #Supreme_court_nice_time
#Supreme_court_nice_time #lawsuit #Neil_gorsuch #damages #Language_development #Free_appropriate_public_education #Education_aides #American_sign_language #deafness #Americans_with_disabilities_act #idea #Individuals_with_disabilities_education_act #disability_rights #scotus #Sturgis_michigan #michigan #Miguel_luna_perez #Nice_time #Supreme_court
#Adamorobe , a #village in the #WestAfrican nation of #Ghana is known as the ‘#DeafCommunity ’ due to a high incidence of a #hereditary form of #deafness. The community has found an #innovative way to normalize their #HereditaryCondition by #developing their own #SignLanguage which has been adopted by both the #deaf # hearing people in the village. This is quite different from the formal standard sign language used in the school of the deaf.
#adamorobe #village #westafrican #ghana #deafcommunity #hereditary #deafness #innovative #hereditarycondition #developing #signlanguage #deaf #inspirational #poc #africa
If you think that you may have #hearingLoss there's a useful and reliable checking tool from the RNID at https://rnid.org.uk/information-and-support/take-online-hearing-check/
#hearingloss #hearing #deaf #deafness
I remember Take Hart with fondness from my youth.
Perhaps even more so, I recall Vision On. This has to be the first time I became aware of the existance of #SignLanguage.
#VisionOn #TakeHart #TonyHart #SylvesteMcCoy #PatKeysell #Deafness #SignLanguage #OldBritishTelly
#signlanguage #visionon #takehart #tonyhart #sylvestemccoy #patkeysell #deafness #OldBritishTelly
I watched Multiverse (AKA Entangled)(2019) the other night, a low-budget Canadian #scifi #movie on Amazon Prime. It’s about alternate universes, and IMO somewhat better than IMDB reviews would have you believe.
What struck me, though, as someone with mild-moderate #deafness and #SPD, was that despite featuring two #deaf characters—one played by Marlee Matlin—only the dialogue in #ASL was subtitled. Useful, given I can’t read sign, but it seemed to me an odd omission.
#scifi #movie #deafness #spd #deaf #asl
I have SSD (Single sided deafness) caused by mumps when I was around 2 years old. One problem that bothered me my whole life is the fact that I'm a loud person, and with SSD the problem is even worse. Anyone ever saw a device that monitors your voice levels and warns you if you are being too loud? #Deafnessandhearingloss #deafness #hearingloss
#Deafnessandhearingloss #deafness #hearingloss
Wow, the new #AirPod Pros from #Apple are amazing. Why spend thousands on hearing aids?
#hearingloss #hearingaids #deafness
#airpod #apple #hearingloss #HearingAids #deafness
Best hard of hearing household moments include:
Coffee is just made:
"Would you like a Jaffa cake with that?"
"Gaffa tape?"
😂 Aging rocker #Deafness at its finest.