On #ABC's #1990s show #LoisAndClark, #LoisLane was literally main driver of the action, and though #DeanCain got top billing, #TeriHatcher was the more experienced, more famous actor. #TV #Superman
#abc #1990s #loisandclark #loislane #deancain #terihatcher #tv #superman
It would be so sus if Jonathan Kent and Poison Ivy from DC Super Hero Girls don't canoodle! #DCSHG #DCSuperHeroGirls #JonathanKent #DeanCain #PoisonIvy #TaraStrong
#dcshg #dcsuperherogirls #jonathankent #deancain #poisonivy #tarastrong
#TV Does #DeanCain claim #LoisAndClark was a better show than #Smallville? Smallville ran ten seasons to Lois & Clark's four. Scoreboard.
#tv #deancain #loisandclark #smallville
#TV I like #LoisAndClark and #SupermanAndLois for different reasons. In 1993. #DeanCain played a #ClarkKent who wasn't the goofy disguise from the #ChristopherReeve #RichardDonner movies. Clark in fact was the full person; #Superman was the public facade he created to protect his identity.
#tv #loisandclark #supermanandlois #deancain #clarkkent #christopherreeve #richarddonner #superman
Saw a recording of a recent convention panel w/ #DeanCain and #TeriHatcher. Dean said he didn't like #SupermanAndLois as much as #LoisAndClark. Teri kind of demurred and said the shows had different tones. The classier move would've been simply to compliment S&L and move on.
#deancain #terihatcher #supermanandlois #loisandclark
#Frasier s10e10 (2002)
#DeanCain guests.
1️⃣ Some lovely scenes here for the Frasier-Roz friendship. Heart-to-heart conversations.
2️⃣ A-story driven by some Frasier-Niles conflict over where to spend Christmas. Bribing Martin to ensure his support. Funny.
📺 My 309th #TVReview of 2023.
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: ‘Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields’ Reckons With the Notion of Child as Sex Object https://jezebel.com/brooke-shields-pretty-baby-documentary-1850018220 #Jezebel #personalrelationshipsofmichaeljackson #thesundancefilmfestival #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #babybrookeshields #keithcarradine #michaeljackson #brookeshields #randalkleiser #creativeworks #thebluelagoon #grierhammond #terishields #andreagassi #calvinklein #phildonahue #deancain
#jezebel #personalrelationshipsofmichaeljackson #thesundancefilmfestival #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #babybrookeshields #keithcarradine #MichaelJackson #brookeshields #randalkleiser #creativeworks #thebluelagoon #grierhammond #terishields #andreagassi #calvinklein #phildonahue #deancain
TIM SEARFOSS, Director and Producer, join The Call to talk about the Award-winning 2021 film Break Every Chain. A true story of a rookie cop that lost his way through addiction and found his need for Jesus. Starring: Ignacyo Matynia and Dean Cain
#thecall #breakeverychain #timsearfoss #faith #addiction #alcohol #deancain #IgnacyoMatynia
Watch on YouTube
@The Call with Nancy Sabato
#thecall #breakeverychain #timsearfoss #faith #addiction #alcohol #deancain #IgnacyoMatynia
Dan Abrams defends NewsNation after Dean Cain diss #danabrams #deancain #30luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYWdlc2l4LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA3LzI5L2Rhbi1hYnJhbXMtZGVmZW5kcy1uZXdzbmF0aW9uLWFmdGVyLWRlYW4tY2Fpbi1kaXNzLw==
#30luglio #deancain #danabrams