For those who buy a Pixel terminal and then mount Lineage OS and similar. Know that you will avoid the needle, but only to take the beam well.
Android, will Google soon track smartphones even when turned off?
#degoogle #deandroid #surveillance #tracking
Per coloro che acquistano un terminale Pixel per poi montarci sopra Lineage OS e similari. Sappiate che eviterete l'ago, ma solo per prendere bene la trave.
Android, Google consentirà presto di rintracciare gli smartphone anche da spenti?
#degoogle #deandroid #surveillance #tracking
In next months I will migrate in Plasma Mobile/Desktop from Android.
So I need of a wireguard/openvpn client in Plasma environment.
Is already there a client that running both protocols there?
#opensource #openvpn #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #vpn #wireguard #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform #mullvad
#opensource #openvpn #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #vpn #wireguard #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform #mullvad
In next months I will migrate in Plasma Mobile/Desktop from Android.
So I need of a wireguard/openvpn client in Plasma environment.
Is already there a client that running both protocols there?
#opensource #openvpn #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #vpn #wireguard #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
#opensource #openvpn #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #vpn #wireguard #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
I need to replace most of currently used apps in my Android smartphone with the equivalent ones in Plasma Mobile.
Basically I need of a multi-assets crypto wallet, ad-free, surveillance and censorship resistance.
With the ability to manage at least: btc, bch, zec, xec, sol, ltc, arrr, xmr.
#opensource #unstoppablewallet #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #cryptocurrency #crypto #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
#opensource #unstoppablewallet #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #cryptocurrency #crypto #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
A Quillnote client for KDE Plasma?
#opensource #quillnote #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
#opensource #quillnote #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
A Quillnote client for KDE Plasma?
#opensource #quillnote #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile
#opensource #quillnote #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile
A Quillnote client for KDE Plasma?
#opensource #quillnote #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile
#opensource #quillnote #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile