#DearDiary: Today I got to punch a bear in the face. #LifeGoals
This Swedish Teenager is #LivingTheDream.
#livingthedream #lifegoals #deardiary
Entre conversaciones: Hay que tener conversaciones mas directas, ¿no? Esa gente que no es directa es bien molesta.
*Me invita a salir más al rato* *Me escribe una hora antes de vernos* No me siento con ganas de salir. Nos vemos mañana mejor…
En fin. La hipotenusa. #DearDiary
Creo que hoy haré una pregunta incomoda pero es mejor que seguir en el limbo en el que ando. #DearDiary
now if you'll excuse me i have a #threatModel workshop to run. bbl <4 #infosec #security #dearDiary
#threatmodel #infosec #security #deardiary
I failed my CON save a few days ago and got sick. (not COVID, but still not fun)
Last night, I failed my DEX save (DC was prob 8, or lower), and stepped on something like an idiot, cutting the sole of my foot. It's not a terrible cut (very minimal blood loss), but it's at the weight-bearing part of my foot, and it's super annoying to walk on it.
And all I can do is vent to my family, vent on Discord, and vent here. I really could've used paladin's save-buffing aura. 😕
Vince Coglianese on #DearDiary: “Why would the secret service be involved in it?”
“Remember this Ashley Biden Diary saga? … It was her dairy” Jesse Kelly on #DearDiary
A peculiar thing happened to me today. I was asked if I want to write a doctoral dissertation about Russian-language poetry of Israel.
I wasn't planning to go full philology, and the offer has its caveats (the scholarship is not guaranteed, haha), but that made me think, and now I'm considering the problem I would like to research, if I decide to go this road. Anyway, feeling some kind of panic.
#lytdybr #deardiary #repatriation #philology #slavistics #jewishstudies
#lytdybr #deardiary #repatriation #philology #slavistics #jewishstudies
So they tried to drag me into a WhatsApp group for the *Class of 2003*.
What’s wrong with those people, it’s been twenty years for Christ sake.
#DearDiary I've seen too much internalized racism to know that bullying and racism aren't exclusive.
(I'm subtooting but it's also a reminder)
@glightly I write #DearDiary at the beginning of some posts. I don't care if I have a response to those or not.
Another day of working on the house, getting rid of about 200kg of rubble first and then operation remove the rest of the old kitchen.
#DearDiary… It’s been 3rd day of feeling like shit. #Cycling is definitely of the table, as I can barely even get up from bed. Got myself some yummy antibiotics and hopefully they will kick in soon enough so I will be able to ride a bike on Saturday, maybe…😂
Why I use Firefox/LibreWolf
Want to know the primary reason I use Firefox/LibreWolf as my daily-use personal browser? It's one feature.
New #blog post about #MyLife, sharing all sorts of things, including 7 songs 😉 one for each day...
Journal – Week 8, February 2023
>A new week. The last one for February. We’ll, last complete one. I’m trying to make some positive changes this week by reaching out to some instances who may be able to help me. I have …
#blog #mylife #AmWriting #WordPress #deardiary
Sometimes I feel like I bite off way more than I can chew. I make all these commitments in a manic frenzy, having every good intention. And then… regrets. 😩
#selfcare #deardiary #reflection #monday
I’m both excited and worried about a refactor I have to make at work.
#DearDiary It is Monday, the kids have started school, I have a task list as long as the Great Ocean Road because I took a month off Life in January and last night I watched the movie Work It and the dancing was pretty fun? Oh and I’m super looking forward to drawing class on Wednesday - I’m mixing it up this term and doing drawing instead of painting!
Just realized this time last year my biological dad was in his last days. We watched the Divisional Championship games and afterwards I told my wife he wouldn’t last to the Super Bowl. He passed in the early morning the day of the Super Bowl. #DearDiary