This podcast snippet is in my head every time I sneeze.
Just I shared it with @SurrealSeal in a comment to a previous post and now I’m just laughing like a loon at this again. Also, it’s so good animated!
If anyone wants a link to the scientific paper “Nuggets of Wisdom” as discussed on yesterday’s #DearHankAndJohn here it is:
We may never know the true identity of Sharkface Unicycle Boy. #dearhankandjohn #dftba
Just about crashed the damn car when @hankgreen said Jacques Cousteau shares his birthday, because he shares MY birthday. Are we birthday buddies and I didn’t know it? Alas, no: Hank was wrong. #DearHankAndJohn
Omg #DearHankAndJohn episode 365 is really speaking to me today. Talking about my favorite books, talking about quotes which I love, and talking about my # 1 stim: cricketing
Because of Dear Hank & John this week, I went to look up Hank’s quotes on Goodreads… Apparently Hank wrote Pride and Prejudice? @hankgreen #DearHankAndJohn
I’m re-listening to do 168 of #DearHankAndJohn or as I like to call it Dear John and Hank, and the Mars news is about Mars quakes but every time they say “Mars quakes” I hear “mouse quakes”
I want to subscribe to glow bones 🧪 so bad it isn’t even funny #DearHankAndJohn
@hankgreen i want poopGPT to be SciSupplement and partnered with SciShow #DearHankAndJohn #SciShow #Fiber #FishOil #VitaminD #LionsMane
#dearhankandjohn #SciShow #fiber #fishoil #vitamind #lionsmane
I asked ChatGPT to write a promo for PoopGPT 👀💩 :hankbutts: @hankgreen #DearHankAndJohn
“It’s better if it’s natural, of course, but if it can’t be natural, there’s always PoopGPT.” I’m gonna frame this and hang it on my wall 🤣🥰 #DearHankAndJohn #JohnGreen
I hate to say it, but “Doobily-Doo” would actually make a good name for a fiber supplement. #DearHankAndJohn @hankgreen
Listening to #DearHankAndJohn , wondering if they know they're accidentally brainstorming things they could do during #P4A2023 ? #dooblydooTV
#dearhankandjohn #p4a2023 #dooblydootv
After listening to TWIS, I feel the need to state that @hankgreen is an amazing human, and this would continue to be true even if he decided tomorrow to stop doing all of the things and just hole up with his family doing nothing. ❤️ :crab: #DearHankAndJohn
@hankgreen and @johngreen mentioned the Quark song (Strange Charm) on "How I Built This" this week, so I think it is a perfect time to once again ask/beg: PUT THE SONG BACK ON SPOTIFY!
Please 🥺🥺🥺
#dftba #dearhankandjohn #vlogbrothers
#dftba #dearhankandjohn #vlogbrothers
I’m in search of some quirky, fun & informative #podcasts. Can you recommend some? My current #podcast rotation includes: #DearHankAndJohn, #SciShowTangents, #DarkPoutine, #TwentyThousandHertz, #MeditativeStory.
Used to include & enjoy (yet cancelled or faded): #AnthropoceneReviewed, #EveryLittleThing, #CuriousState.
#curiousstate #everylittlething #anthropocenereviewed #meditativestory #twentythousandhertz #darkpoutine #scishowtangents #dearhankandjohn #podcast #podcasts
finally caught up on #DearHankAndJohn! their serious silly caring curious conversations always give me the best feelings of being human among humans on this interesting earth
#dearhankandjohn #dhaj #nerdfighteria #vlogbrothers #hankgreen #johngreen
Despite my total lack of art skills, I felt compelled to try drawing 5-foot-9 brown eyes in a sundress, thanks to the latest #DearHankAndJohn