I got #FatBottomedGirls playing in my head cause this morning I'm craving some #DeathBySnuSnu action
#fatbottomedgirls #deathbysnusnu
please crush my head... or else | yotv #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=19046151
A very strong woman kept having men begging to crush his head. eventually she did it and started to enjoy it. and now everyone who wants to will have his head crushed by her. #fbb #femdom #snusnu #deathbysnusnu #headscissor #bodyscissor #stronglegs #strongthighs #thighs #thighscrush #deathbythighs #femalemuscle #deathbylegs #legs #mixedwrestling #legsofsteel #skullcrush #headcrush #femalebodybuilder #amazon #musclegirl
#musclegirl #amazon #femalebodybuilder #headcrush #skullcrush #legsofsteel #mixedwrestling #legs #deathbylegs #femalemuscle #deathbythighs #thighscrush #thighs #strongthighs #stronglegs #bodyscissor #headscissor #deathbysnusnu #snusnu #femdom #fbb #pixiv
Canadian psycho muscle girl | yotv #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=18934960
This is my best story yet in my opinion its a femdom parody of American psycho #fbb #femdom #snusnu #deathbysnusnu #musclewoman #musclegirl #amazon
#amazon #musclegirl #musclewoman #deathbysnusnu #snusnu #femdom #fbb #pixiv
Amazonian Christmas gift and punishment | yotv #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=18934947
Here is xmas femdom story #fbb #femdom #snusnu #deathbysnusnu
#deathbysnusnu #snusnu #femdom #fbb #pixiv
It's Saturday. AEW Full Gear airs tonight.
So many good matches on the card, but the one I find myself really excited for?
Jade Cargill vs. Nyla Rose for the TBS Championship.
Jade Cargill is a former basketball player, former (current?) fitness model, who came into the company green as heck but has worked and ground and polished until that edge gleams. She is a living goddamned statue with the power to back up all the smack she talks.
Nyla Rose is the first trans woman — of indigenous descent, no less — to be signed to a major US promotion, to be regularly featured competing on television. She was one half of the first AEW Women's World Championship match, and was the second-ever AEW Women's World Champion. And that powerful woman is funnnnnyyyyyyyy 🤣
That Bitch vs. The Native Beast. Who wins?
Oh, no less than every young woman who sees someone like herself being taken seriously and given a chance to shine.
(pictures have eye contact; also, every picture of Jade Cargill is a thirst trap, you've been warned) #AEW #wrestling (and, because Nyla would want me to add this tag, #DeathBySnuSnu 😅)
#deathbysnusnu #wrestling #aew