I’m hopeful about 2023: my wife and I turn 42 (and I know where my towel is), we celebrate 20 years of marriage, and I have tickets to see The National, Taylor Swift, and Death Cab For Cutie/The Postal Service this year. #TaylorSwift #TheNational #DeathCabForCutie #DeathCab #ThePostalService
#taylorswift #thenational #deathcabforcutie #deathcab #thepostalservice
Ooof - that Postal Service/Death Cab for Cutie pre-sale was brutal. Total strikeout for LA 😞
The new #DeathCab album mostly feels like an #M83 album and is kinda background noise, but there are some songs that hit emotionally really hard despite the tone being peppier, such as Wheat Like Waves and Roman Candles.
I could see having this one on the rotation occasionally. #music
Seems a little early to announce this tour but I guess it's because pre sale starts Dec 14th?
Any Postal Service or #DeathCab fans out there?
The tour is slated for Fall of 2023 and marks "the 20th anniversary of Death Cab’s breakthrough fourth album, 2003’s Transatlanticism"
Personally I'm a bigger fan of "Narrow Stairs" but that's just me.
Twenty years? TWENTY? #deathcab #postalservice #old #music #howdoyoudofellowkids https://www.stereogum.com/2207863/death-cab-for-cutie-postal-service-headlining-tour/news/
#deathcab #postalservice #old #music #howdoyoudofellowkids
Seattle’s annual SMASH Benefit concert raising money to support healthcare for musicians is ways an unbelievable all-star show of amazing. I expect tonight’s will be no different. Amazing lineup of amazing musicians performing amazing music. #Music #Grunge #Seattle #LiveMusic #Concerts #PearlJam #REM #DeathCab #DandyWarhols #SleaterKinney #DavidBowie
#davidbowie #sleaterkinney #dandywarhols #deathcab #rem #PearlJam #concerts #livemusic #Seattle #grunge #Music
i downloaded some new presets for #LightroomMobile and decided to re-process this old iphone photo of #DeathCabForCutie that i took on january 28, 2015 in #NewYorkCity. if i remember correctly, this was for a taping of their performance on the late late show. one of the coldest days i have ever experienced!
tags: #photography #ConcertPhotography #music #DCFC #DeathCab #BenGibbard
#bengibbard #deathcab #DCFC #music #concertphotography #photography #newyorkcity #deathcabforcutie #lightroommobile