Here’s one for #RandomMusickMayhem and with a fitting band name for my current state of being.
Awakeness ~ Empty Shells ( September 1, 2023)
#owlclub #deathcore #polishmetal #dragotreasures #aqiisnowplaying #randommusickmayhem
Yasmine from "Face Yourself"
Her youtube channel, she does some nice covers :
I'm looking to feature reviews on my band's new album on our bandcamp and website. I'm offering free downloads of the album to music reviewers. If you're interested in reviewing our album, please send me a message
#deathmetal #metal #metalhead #newalbum #albumrelease #october2023 #newmusic #metalmusic #heavymetal #extrememetal #grindcore #groovemetal #deathcore #thrashmetal #metalcore #doommetal #blackmetal #melodicdeathmetal #progressivemetal #symphonicmetal #metalband
#metalband #symphonicmetal #progressivemetal #melodicdeathmetal #blackmetal #doommetal #metalcore #thrashmetal #deathcore #groovemetal #grindcore #extrememetal #heavymetal #metalmusic #newmusic #october2023 #albumrelease #newalbum #metalhead #metal #deathmetal
I only recently learned that people seem to refer to /palm muting/ as "chugging". Apparently, this has been the #vocabulary for several years now.
#deathmetal #deathcore #djent #progressivemetal #guitar #technique
#technique #guitar #progressivemetal #djent #deathcore #deathmetal #vocabulary
Morning #Fediverse its Friday which means new music and #FletchsFridayReleases so there’s plenty to get stuck into #Metal #HeavyMetal #DeathMetal #BlackMetal #ThrashMetal #DeathCore #Metalcore #DoomMetal
#doommetal #metalcore #deathcore #thrashmetal #blackmetal #deathmetal #heavymetal #metal #fletchsfridayreleases #fediverse
Yasmine ist einfach n beast am Mic 😍 Definitiv mit eine der besten Screamer:innen \m/
#Deathcore #Music
Infant Annihilator - motherless miscarriage, vocal cover
OHHHHH Job For a Cowboy qui reprennent du service !!!!!
#pouetradio #tootradio #deathcore #deathmetal #metal
The Agony Seeping Storm
#metal #deathmetal #deathcore #tootradio #pouetradio
The Raven Autarchy - Inanimate
🤘 🤘 🤘
Spain, Canary Islands
#DeathCore #TechnicalDeathMetal
#technicaldeathmetal #deathcore #nowplaying
Manchmal muss es einfach etwas lauter sein...
#LornaShore #deathcore #BaseDrum
Heut ist mal so ein richtiger F.F.A.A. Tag und ich möchte euch gerne dran teilhaben
#mittwochmetalmix #fitforanautopsy #deathcore #metal
#CurrentlySpinning: #WormShepherd #InTheWakeOvSól!
I’ve had these two #WormShepherd #records for months now and I’m just now getting to listening to them. I will also be listening to #RitualHymns tonight.
#Metal #HeavyMetal #Deathcore #Vinyl #NowListening #CurrentlyListening
#currentlylistening #nowlistening #vinyl #deathcore #heavymetal #Metal #ritualhymns #records #inthewakeovsol #wormshepherd #currentlyspinning
Looks like #MickGordon (composer of the #Doom 2016 soundtrack) and #AlexTerrible (singer of #SlaughterToPrevail) might be going to record an album together¹ – and BOY, am I all here for that! 🤩
¹ In the video Alex says Mick changed his mind. But in a comment below the video he clarifies that was just a misunderstanding and Mick's still in!
#mickgordon #doom #alexterrible #SlaughterToPrevail #music #metal #deathcore
25 jaar
14 maart 1985-28 september 2010
Amerikaanse zanger en sinds 2009 lid van #deathcore band #Abacinate.
Een band die langzaam aan de weg timmert en eigenzinnig een pad effent voor het deathcore genre, met als hoogtepunt het album Genesis, postuum uitgebracht.
Sinds 2006 was hij ook zanger van #TheGrievingProcess, waarmee hij één EP opneemt, en van de band #IsYou tot 2009.
Hij werd in 2010 overleden gevonden in het huis van een vriend
#jasonsica #plunger #deathcore #abacinate #thegrievingprocess #isyou #gonetoosoon
Woho neues Singthrough von Alex 😍
#Deathcore #Metal #Music
Bloodstock Open Air: Ten Bands You Must See this Weekend! [Festival Preview] #2023_08_08 #v13 #graham_finney #features #metal #music #black_metal #bloodstock_open_air #death_metal #deathcore
#2023_08_08 #v13 #graham_finney #features #metal #music #black_metal #bloodstock_open_air #death_metal #deathcore
Finally, it's Pittsburgh's Signs of the Swarm, marking the release of their new album! Great show and the pit was insane! #deathcore
Checking out some sorta local #deathcore tonight, starting with Delaware's Born With Open Eyes! Really enjoyed this band's stuff on Spotify and they are pretty great live, too!
Signs of the Swarm – ‘Amongst The Low & Empty’ [Album Review] #2023_08_04 #v13 #graham_finney #album_review #metal #music #reviews #album_review #century_media_records #deathcore
#2023_08_04 #v13 #graham_finney #album_review #metal #music #reviews #century_media_records #deathcore