Good morning everyone, it another #TuneTuesday, hosted by @Kitty, today's theme is #TheCircleOfLife (songs that mention birth, living, death) suggested by @pgs
Here is a song from Green Carnation's debut album 'Journey to the End of the Night' (2000). It's a little bit longer though... 🤩
Listen to 'My Dark Reflections of Life and Death' on youtube here:
#Music #Metal #ProgressiveMetal #DeathDoomMetal #GreenCarnation
#tunetuesday #thecircleoflife #music #metal #progressivemetal #deathdoommetal #greencarnation
#SariashsMusicBox #NowPlaying #FullAlbum
Two tracks in and I love it so far... the new album 'All of this for Nothing' by new to me death/doom metal band The Crawling. Always good to check out @HailsandAles #FletchsFridayReleases list for new metal releases 😊
Listen to the album on bandcamp here:
edit: this album is an awesome journey, added to wishlist
#sariashsmusicbox #nowplaying #fullalbum #fletchsfridayreleases #music #metal #deathdoommetal #thecrawling
Holy shit. Gateway 🤘
Death Doom goodness from Belgium
Swallow the Sun - The Void on youtube via invidious:
#sariashsmusicbox #nowplaying #music #metal #deathdoommetal #swallowthesun
After I just listened to Swallow the Sun again, I'm in the mood for more Death-doom, which lead me to October Tide.
Links to the album In Splendorf Below by October Tide can be found here at
#sariashsmusicbox #fullalbum #music #metal #deathdoommetal #OctoberTide
I took way to long today to decide what to post for @Carex's #SlowSunday but here it is... I have really fallen in love with Swallow the Sun in the last few weeks 🥰
Listen to the The Crimson Crown by Swallow the Sun on youtube via invidious here:
#swallowthesun #deathdoommetal #metal #music #SlowSunday #sariashsmusicbox
More #DeathDoomMetal, listen to Draconian's latest album Under a Godless Veil from 2020 on youtube via invidious here:
#metal #music #deathdoommetal #fullalbum #sariashsmusicbox
Another great DeathDoom/Gothic metal album... ❤️
Listen to Lake of Sorrow (1998) by The Sins of Thy Beloved on youtube via invidious here:
#Music #Metal #GothicMetal #DeathDoomMetal #TheSinsOfThyBeloved
#thesinsofthybeloved #deathdoommetal #gothicmetal #metal #music #fullalbum #sariashsmusicbox
Only knowing their previous album so far, I finally get around to listening to Swallow the Sun's eighth studio album now, Moonflowers, from 2021 🔥
Listen to the full album, here on youtube via invidious:
#swallowthesun #deathdoommetal #metal #music #fullalbum #sariashsmusicbox
#diSEMBOWELMENT - Excoriate
#deathdoommetal #disembowelment
Thanks to @HailsandAles and his great metal release listing postings on Fridays, or I would never know about Saturnus :)
Saturnus - The Storm Within, the full album here on bandcamp:
#deathdoommetal #metal #music #fullalbum #sariashsmusicbox
Thanks to @HailsandAles and his great metal release listing postings on fridays, or I would never know about Saturnuns :)
Saturnus - The Storm Within, the full album here on bandcamp:
#deathdoommetal #metal #music #fullalbum #sariashsmusicbox
More #MittwochMetalMix 🤘
Swallow the Sun - When A Shadow Is Forced Into The Light
Links to different streaming services at here:
#swallowthesun #deathdoommetal #metal #music #mittwochmetalmix
I was thinking of listening to disEMBOWELMENT this week. Gallhammer is a good stand in for today. #DeathDoomMetal
Sometimes I think the database is a mess.
How are the two most popular albums by @MiseryPath not among ALL albums?
By the way: There is even more to discover, and it's #BandcampFriday
#deathdoommetal #deathmetal #BandcampFriday
" #Runemagick #DeathDoomMetal #Sweden #MetalMittwoch #NowPlaying #fediRadio #TootRadio #MetalRadio #MetalNeverDies @metalmittwoch"
#MetalNeverDies #metalradio #tootradio #fediradio #nowplaying #metalmittwoch #sweden #deathdoommetal #runemagick
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 27th Release #50🎧
NEPHILIM'S NOOSE - Blood Chants of Impiety🇨🇦🔥
2nd album from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canadian Death/Doom Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️ 🔥
#NephilimsNoose #BloodChants #DeathDoomMetal #FFFJan27 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffjan27 #deathdoommetal #bloodchants #nephilimsnoose
" #Katatonia #DeathDoomMetal #Sweden #MetalMittwoch #NowPlaying #fediRadio #TootRadio #MetalRadio #MetalNeverDies @metalmittwoch"
#MetalNeverDies #metalradio #tootradio #fediradio #nowplaying #metalmittwoch #sweden #deathdoommetal #katatonia
➡️February 3rd, 2023⬅️
SOULMASS - Let Us Pray🇺🇸🔥
3rd album from Florida, U.S Death/Doom Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️ 🔥 #Soulmass #LetUsPray #DeathDoomMetal #TheUpcomingTerror23 #KMäN
#KMaN #TheUpcomingTerror23 #deathdoommetal #letuspray #soulmass