Dr Annetta Mallon · @annettamallon
397 followers · 2701 posts · Server aus.social

Absolute mood.
Three weeks yesterday.

My sense of time is all over the shop, I'm tired even though I'm sleeping ok, I'm sad, I'm often not sure of what I'm feeling, sometimes I'm simply numb.


#grief #sorrow #deathofaparent #mymumdied #mourning #feelings

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr Annetta Mallon · @annettamallon
391 followers · 2658 posts · Server aus.social

Hi Everyone - update time.

Thank you for all your overwhelming and wonderous support, I cannot possibly express my appreciation and gratitude.

Mum died while I was flying north. My sisters were with her at the time, along with her granddaughters and great-grandchild. While I was en route to Gosford hospital - THANK YOU Tracey Lloyd - music was played, singing along happened, there was time with Jane.

Everyone left me alone for a bit with mum when I arrived, and I am absolutely ok with not being present when her last breath happened. I am, too, glad that I had that time alone with her. I have a couple of theories about mum's peaceful, and rapid, death:

1) the doctors urgently needed her to produce urine to help clear toxicity - and she was famously stubborn and contrary. (Actually true!)

2) she was not going to hang around for me to make another joke about "Shady Pines ma, Shady Pines", and/or "How about a light pillow over your face Janey??!", and/or "Watch it or I'll put you to bed with a shovel mum..." (Actually pure speculation, but still)

Gorgeous friend Justine took me in for the night in the city thanks to Natural Chauffeur Tracey driving me into the city centre. Then this morning Justine bought me a Jane memorial galette and mimosa to toast mum with, because this was our celebration drink for years.

#sorrow #grief #friends #goodfriends #love #death #mimosa #endoflife #deathofaparent

Last updated 1 year ago