Having finally watched #murderontheorientexpress and rewatched #deathonthenile, I am so ready for #AHauntingInVenice! I really love these #kennethbranagh #HerculePoirot movies and A Haunting in Venice is hitting that horror sweet spot for me.
#murderontheorientexpress #deathonthenile #ahauntinginvenice #kennethbranagh #HerculePoirot #agathachristie #movie #movies #film #books #adaptation
Op 5 juni vertoont Literair Zeist in bioscoop Figi de film Death on the Nile, gebaseerd op het boek van Agatha Christie. Voorafgaand aan de vertoning van de film wordt het boek én de film besproken door filmkenner Gerlinda Heywegen.
Zie https://www.zeistermagazine.nl/deathonthenile
#zeist #zeistermagazine #figi #film #boek #boekenfilm #literair #literairzeist #deathonthenile #agathachristie #lezing
#lezing #agathachristie #deathonthenile #literairzeist #LITERAIR #boekenfilm #boek #film #figi #zeistermagazine #zeist
We willen met het nieuwe seizoen van Outlander op Netflix kijken maar hadden zo over Netflix, HBO Max en Disney nog 2 series en een film 'open'.
Dus de laatste dagen die afkijken.
Net met Death In The Nile op Disney+ bezig. En dan morgen hopelijk eindelijk Outlander 😅
#DeathOnTheNile #Outlander
Probably an unpopular opinion but… finished reading #agathachristie #DeathOnTheNile and I didn’t enjoy it that much. Found it a little flat and the characters one dimensional. But it was good to read something different that my usual choices. Next up another #Murakami
#agathachristie #deathonthenile #murakami #pulpfiction #reader #books
I'm watching Death on the Nile (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/death-on-the-nile-2022 #DeathOnTheNile #trakt
So mama just watched #TheGlassOnion. Not really all that impressed. Looks like story lines borrowed from #AgathaChristie books #DeathOnTheNile #AndThenThereWereNone, maybe #PerilAtEndHouse, plus a scene from #WaitingToExhale. I'll let you figure that out. However, hearing Daniel Craig speak with a South Carolina like accent was pretty funny.
#theglassonion #agathachristie #deathonthenile #andthentherewerenone #perilatendhouse #waitingtoexhale