played #DeathorTreat today
it has some of the best humor i’ve ever seen in a video game
they actually labeled a random structure “memes”
therefore it is a good game
Death or Treat llegará en formato físico para PlayStation 4 y Nintendo Switch
#IndieGames #Noticias #DeathOrTreat #HallowTown #IndieGames #MeridiemGames #SaonaStudios
#indiegames #noticias #deathortreat #hallowtown #meridiemgames #saonastudios
¡Dulce o Truco! Death or Treat ya está disponible en formato físico para PlayStation 5
#noticias #deathortreat #meridiemgames
Une nouvelle Partie Rapide est arrivée ! @Murray24 a réparé des objets (et son cœur brisé) dans #TheShapeofThings pendant que @Shift s'ennuyait devant le joli #DeathorTreat :
#theshapeofthings #deathortreat
Death or Treat ganha novo trailer promocional
#deathortreat #indie #nintendo #nintendoswitch #PerpGames
Best Games of Next Fest 2023 Part 3
This is part 3 of my favorite games of next fest February 2023 showcase.
#indiedevshowcase #indies #afterimage #bleakswordds #darkestdungeon2 #deathortreat #desynced #dragonbellxi #fullvoid #gamma19 #highwater #indie #indiegameshowcase #mikaandthewitch'smountain #shumicomehome #strivingforlightsurvival #teslagrad2 #yog-sothoth'syard
#yog #teslagrad2 #strivingforlightsurvival #shumicomehome #mikaandthewitch #indiegameshowcase #indie #highwater #gamma19 #fullvoid #dragonbellxi #desynced #deathortreat #darkestdungeon2 #bleakswordds #afterimage #indies #indiedevshowcase