K-Diddy ☘️26-10☘️ · @AmpolLeeds
30 followers · 247 posts · Server theblower.au

For the first time in my life, I have entered one of those morbid (but disturbingly popular) online Celebrity Death Pool games, where people have to list 20 (in my comp anyway) celebrities/politicans/sports stars/high profile people they think will die in the following year. My list has a slight Aussie flavour, but also a couple of names I wouldn’t mind seeing bumbed in 2023

#deathlist #deathpool #blackhumour

Last updated 2 years ago

Christina ✅ 🇨🇦 · @cosullivan
1320 followers · 10210 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Today I'm grateful that the two sudden hits to my 2018-9 list and to my 2019 lists happened on a Saturday when the admins on the other side of the world are awake, and that I had substitutes ready to deploy.


Last updated 6 years ago