A #coronavirus #mystery: Why New York was hit so much harder than L.A. County https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-08-07/covid-19-took-different-tolls-on-los-angeles-new-york-heres-why
San Francisco has been outspoken about its #pandemic policies and relatively low #deathrate — which, according to a Times analysis, is 38% of L.A. County’s and 25% of New York City’s. When adjusted for age, San Francisco’s COVID-19 death rate is one-third of L.A. County’s and about one-quarter of New York City’s.
#Coronavirus #mystery #pandemic #deathrate #COVID19
China's population falls for first time since 1961
#china #population #Birthrate #deathrate #degrowth
People in Rural Areas Die at Higher Rates Than Those in Urban Areas
Deaths from heart disease, cancer and COVID are all higher in rural areas than urban ones in the U.S., and the gap is only widening
@lindyli Well, think about it. How many sex toys kill people each year... oh, wait.
And whereas the #NM health department has dozens of employees focused exclusively on #opioid #overdose deaths and tobacco control, it has never expanded the staff dedicated to alcohol beyond a single epidemiologist.
#nm #opioid #overdose #alcohol #deathrate #newmexico
COVID’s Omicron waves saw lower-income Ontarians die at higher rates, analysis shows https://bit.ly/3RcIuaD #COVID19 #LowIncome #COVIDOntario #DeathRate #Coronavirus #onpoli
#COVID19 #lowincome #covidontario #deathrate #coronavirus #onpoli
வேலை கிடைக்காமல் ஓராண்டில் 18000 இளைஞர்கள் தற்கொலை! - தோழர் எஸ்.பாலா, மாநிலச் செயலாளர் #DYFI #IndianEconomy #EconomicFalldown #UnEmployment #Jobless #Suicide #Deathrate #Modigovt #BJPLies #ModiFails #BJPBetrayedPeople #Modi4Corporates #ModiDestroyingindia
#dyfi #IndianEconomy #EconomicFallDown #unemployment #jobless #suicide #deathrate #Modigovt #BJPLies #ModiFails #BJPBetrayedPeople #Modi4Corporates #ModiDestroyingIndia