I get the feeling that over the next few years, the Western states' air quality during fire season is going to start making the Chinese cities of yesteryear look like a pleasant spring day on a mountaintop. Also, in other news one of the biggest of the corks pinning glaciers from sliding into the Antarctic Ocean popped this month. 😔 #DeathRattleCapitalism #climatecatastrophe
#climatecatastrophe #deathrattlecapitalism
@Soozcat After realizing I've got limited batteries for how much suffering I can be aware of without shutting down, I've started mostly-subconsciously trying to keep from thinking about how many people outside my ability to help are being traumatized by #DeathRattleCapitalism. Just in case your subconscious is in a similar state, here's a slightly-twisted tale poking fun at HR people who know ahead of time but don't warn their prey: https://notalwaysright.com/what-a-lovely-parting-gift/266053/
@Soozcat When you tell everyone not to buy pencils because they gave you cancer, they sue you for defamation and get a $800M judgment. But they want to make you even more of an example so no one ever tells the truth about their pencils again, so they bribe a friendly judge to keep you locked up for a couple of years too. #DeathRattleCapitalism
#Libertarian view of #capitalism :
You have 50¢ and want a pencil. Someone else has a pencil and wants 50¢. You trade and are both happy.
Actual #DeathRattleCapitalism :
You have 50¢ and want a pencil. A corporation sells you a pencil for 50¢ which you later found out cost them .5¢ to make, is covered in radioactive paint & contains forever chemicals. The corporation knew exactly what it was selling & you want your 50¢ back, but CAVEAT EMPTOR BABY! SUCK IT, POORS! moneymoneymoney *kisskisskiss*
#libertarian #capitalism #deathrattlecapitalism
I've seen phrases such as #PeakCapitalism, #LateStageCapitalism and #EndStageCapitalism bandied about, and while these are all right as far as they go, they don't fully express what nakedly capitalistic behaviors are doing to the common person.
I thus humbly submit the phrase #DeathRattleCapitalism, where multinational corporations and their C-suite "lords of the earth" ride profits out into the wasteland of oblivion for everyone else.
#peakcapitalism #latestagecapitalism #endstagecapitalism #deathrattlecapitalism