Da uomo a uomo aka Death Rides a Horse (1967)
#deathridesahorse #leevancleef #giuliopetroni #westernmovie #onlocation #eurowestern #spanishwestern #italo #almeriacine #classic #cinema #spaghettiwestern #blackandwhitephotography
#deathridesahorse #leevancleef #giuliopetroni #westernmovie #onlocation #eurowestern #spanishwestern #italo #almeriacine #classic #cinema #spaghettiwestern #blackandwhitephotography
That second song or its video on the If I Could Only Remember My Name post reminded me of #JohnPhillipLaw again.
Doing a search reminded me I always forget he's in #Barbarella as well. Pygar the blind angel.
#johnphilliplaw #barbarella #deathridesahorse #thegoldenvoyageofsinbad #diabolik
Born this day 1925, sometimes Angel Eyes, sometimes The Baddest of the Bad but always Lee Van Cleef
#leevancleef #angeleyes #thegoodthebadandtheugly #forafewdollarsmore #escapefromnewyork #sabata #elcondor #dayofanger #deathridesahorse #thebiggundown #thegrandduel
#leevancleef #angeleyes #thegoodthebadandtheugly #forafewdollarsmore #escapefromnewyork #sabata #elcondor #dayofanger #deathridesahorse #thebiggundown #thegrandduel