#MicrosoftEdge is the #DeathStar of browsers. So many capable engineers and so much financial horse power behind it, yet everybody will cheer when it eventually blows up.*
* Third party intervention is likely not necessary for that to happen.
Palpatine: Death Star... and Death Star II
#SciFi #StarWars #deathstar #soniceidoittwice
"That's no moon! It's a space station!" - Obi-Wan Kenobi, A New Hope
Happy National Moon Day! On this day (July 20, 1969) 54 years ago, via the Apollo 11 mission, mankind took one giant leap forward as we stepped foot on the moon.
#starwarsquote #NationalMoonDay #deathstar #StarWars
Anakin Part 4
#jollybiscuit #starwars #starwarsprequels #anakin #anakinskywalker #disney #disneyprincess #princess #dress #pretty #jedi #palpatine #darthvader #snowwhite #mustafar #duel #lightsaber #fashion #runway #style #murder #slaughter #deathstar #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
#jollybiscuit #starwars #starwarsprequels #anakin #anakinskywalker #disney #disneyprincess #princess #dress #pretty #jedi #palpatine #darthvader #snowwhite #mustafar #duel #lightsaber #fashion #runway #style #murder #slaughter #deathstar #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
“I have foreseen it. His compassion for you will be his undoing. He will come to you and then you will bring him before me”.
“As you wish”.
All shot practically except Vaders suit lights which I digitally illustrated in, the rest is all real.
#darthvader #emporerpalpatine #deathstar #stormtroopers #starwars #popcultureart #creativephotographer #miniaturephotography #acba #photos
#darthvader #emporerpalpatine #deathstar #stormtroopers #starwars #popcultureart #creativephotographer #miniaturephotography #acba #photos
Artist unknown. #streetart #art #StarWars #deathstar #corporations
#streetart #art #StarWars #deathstar #corporations
I appreciate anyone with this level of attention to detail. #starwarslego #lego #starwars #deathstar
#StarWarsLEGO #lego #starwars #deathstar
It's not a #DeathStar but we do have a Radar....
And it still shows lingering showers in isolated parts of the #BayArea and the #CentralCoast
So #MayThe4thBeWithYou and also with an umbrella!☔️
#deathstar #bayarea #centralcoast #maythe4thbewithyou #cawx #carain
Why does the #Borg cube even have galaxy class starship wide gaps that the #Enterprise can fly through? I mean, I know the #Borg have access to that classic movie #ReturnOfTheJedi and so can see an object lesson on the perils of allowing spaceships to fly into your #DeathStar super-structure.
#StarTrek #StarTrekPicard #Picard
#enterprise #picard #startrekpicard #startrek #deathstar #returnofthejedi #borg
Am I the only one who didn't know Return of the Jedi was being rereleased April 28th for the 40th anniversary?
#starwars #returnofthejedi #ewoks #deathstar #movies
My office was a filming location for #Stormtroopers, where our 32m radio telescope played the #DeathStar, and where the film had its #redcarpet premier this evening 📡✨📽️
#stormtroopers #deathstar #redcarpet
Tetsuya Sakai - Stuck In A Jar
#original #オリジナル #powerpointpeople #starwars #obiwankenobi #deathstar #studioghibli
Gave Star Wars Rebellion a spin this week. Daunting at first but we picked up the rules pretty quick, now just to figure out strategy ...! #StarWarsRebellion #boardgames #boardgaymer #boredgamesandwine #deathstar
#StarWarsRebellion #boardgames #boardgaymer #boredgamesandwine #deathstar
Katastrofa klimatyczna, wojna, konflikty, pandemia, kryzys gospodarczy. Gorzej już być nie może.
Tymczasem NASA robi dokładniejsze zdjęcia Mimasa…
#space #NASA #JPL #photography #astronomy #astrodon #deathstar #StarWars
#space #nasa #jpl #photography #astronomy #astrodon #deathstar #starwars
"That's no moon…it's a space station."
Han: It's too big to be a space station.
Luke: I have a very bad feeling about this."
All Nippon Airlines R2-D2 crossing the Death Star just outside of its tractor beam range #aviationphotography #StarWars #R2D2 #DeathStar #planespotting #haveglass #aviation #AvGeek #spotter
#aviationdaily #photography #aircraft #Nikon #Z9 #AvgeeksofMastodon
#aviationphotography #starwars #r2d2 #deathstar #planespotting #haveglass #aviation #avgeek #spotter #aviationdaily #photography #aircraft #nikon #Z9 #AvgeeksofMastodon
#StarWars question: if the #DeathStar can use a "tractor beam" to haul in the #MilleniumFalcon at Alderaan, why couldn't the empire just "grab" all the X- and Y-Wings at Yavin? Did they forget to turn it back on after #ObiWanKenobi turned it off???
#starwars #deathstar #milleniumfalcon #obiwankenobi
That's no moon....oh wait, yes it is.
Saturn's Moon Mimas captured by the Cassini Imaging Team on October 13, 2005 🤩
Credit Image: NASA/JPL-SSI/Cassini Imaging Team/J. Major
#astronomy #Mimas #saturn #deathstar