Arun Isaac has a good #guix days talk about improving patch review:
I'm still not convinced building #mumi on top of #debbugs is the best path forward for improving the review process and committer experience, but many of the ideas and problems Arun is trying to solve are on point (imho).
The double email submission required for patch sets when working with debbugs is very annoying!
I really wish #guix and other #gnu projects had a better system in place.
I dream of the possibility of using #sourcehut for all #gnu projects (eg like #guix). #mumi is great and all, but why build on top of #debbugs?
#guix #gnu #sourcehut #mumi #debbugs
#Debian's bug tracker exceeded 1 Mio. bugs today. #debbugs #congratulations
#debian #debbugs #congratulations
Debian's bug tracking system called debbugs is from 1994.
It continues to teach the younger generations of Debian users that it is possible to interact with remote machines via email.
It also teaches you that patience is a virtue as you continue to wait to see your comment posted on the email thread, and the futility of doing so, making you realize that your millenial brain has been habituated to seeing forms instantly update as you click on the submit button in the www.