🎉 Celebrate 30 Years of #Debian: A journey from code to cosmos! 🚀 Join the global open-source community in commemorating three decades of innovation, collaboration, and limitless possibilities. 🌐🎂
#Debian #debian30 #OpenSource #Linux
To celebrate #Debian30 anniversary, yesterday I've upgraded my personal server to #Bookworm.
It's been the most smooth and uneventful (= good!) server upgrade ever, over my 25 years of #Debian use.
(Except for #Nextcloud, but that's on me, as it's not deployed as a Debian package.)
#debian30 #bookworm #debian #nextcloud
Happy birthday Debian :debian: !
I discovered this distro back in December 2004 during a LAN-Party in the area of Bréhal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Br%C3%A9hal).
Then, in February of 2005, after recovering the former family PC, I installed Debian 3.0 (quickly updated to version 3.1) by following Alexis de Lattre guide's. (http://laurianalywald.free.fr/, in French)
Since then, Debian is my distro of choice for my servers.
#debian #debian30 #mylife #linux
Bon anniversaire Debian :debian: !
J'ai découvert la distribution en décembre 2004 pendant une LAN-Party du côté de Bréhal.
Puis, en février 2005, après avoir récupérer l'ancien PC familial, j'ai installé la version 3.0 (rapidement mis à jour vers la version 3.1) en suivant le guide d'Alexis de Lattre.
Fait amusant, j'ai acquis la version en trois DVD de Debian 3.1 via un magazine en 2005 -je l'ai encore- celle-ci a dépanné une personne qui était en stage au CÉLAR vers mai-juin 2005 en même temps que moi dans la complétion de son projet.
Depuis 2005, Debian est ma distribution de choix pour mes serveurs.
@atoponce pour nos amis Français, comme l'article est dispo en français.
Bon anniversaire Debian 🥳🍾🥂🐧
#debian30 #debian #gnu #linux #anniversaire #logiciellibre
#debian30 #debian #gnu #linux #anniversaire #logiciellibre
Debian Celebrates 30 years! - Bits from Debian
Оказывается, сегодня дистрибутиву Debian GNU/Linux исполняется 30 лет. Поздравляем🥳
Wir stehen auf den Schultern von Giganten:
Wir feiern #Debian30 mit einer eigenen Version 2023.1.0 von Siduction!
#debian30 #debiansid #rollingrelease #communitydistribution
16.08.1993: "This is just to announce the imminent completion of a brand-new Linux release, which I'm calling the Debian Linux Release." #debian #debian30 https://wiki.debian.org/DebianHistory?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Debian-announcement-1993.txt
Today, #Debian turns 30 years old.
A milestone achieved only by serious, concrete projects with clear objectives.
My journey with Debian began three years after its inception, and for the past 27 years, Debian has been a constant companion in my daily life. It has never let me down, both in its "pure" form and as a foundation for other projects like #Proxmox, etc. Even now, it remains my favorite Linux distribution (alongside Alpine Linux).
Happy birthday from the #BSDCafe community, Debian! 🎉
#debian #proxmox #bsdcafe #debian30 #linuxcommunity #linux #distro
#Debian https://www.debian.org was founded on this day (Aug 16th), in 1993.
Happy 30th anniversary, Debian!
Feliz #debianday, 30 aniversario de la madre y abuela de muchas muchas distros y mi S.O. proncipal desde hace 20 años. Nos conocemos bien, gracias por tanto y perdon por tan poco. ❤️
#debianday #debian30 #debian #gnu #linux
#Debian was founded today in 1993! :debian: 🐧
#CakeDay #DebianDay #DebianDay2023 #Debian30 #DebianAt30 #Debian30YO #IanMurdock #OnThisDay
#debian #CakeDay #debianday #debianday2023 #debian30 #debianat30 #debian30yo #ianmurdock #onthisday
Pena que o DebianDay aqui em Portugal vai ser no norte... Muito longe pra ir. Mas fiquei feliz de saber que existe a comunidade no país.