When installing, command in `postinst` always results in `$?` = `0` #scripts #deb #debianinstaller
#scripts #deb #debianinstaller
This reminds me of a talk I gave at #DebConf 17 about installing #Debian on #ARM based systems and exploring the idea of using a live image for the installer.
Not a new idea, really, and the #Calamares installer by #Mobian used lacks a lot of flexibility that #DebianInstaller provides...
Still, this may be the first time I actually used a live installer for real and perhaps best of all, I did very little of the work!
Thanks everyone who made it possible!
#DebConf #Debian #Arm #calamares #Mobian #debianinstaller
Spoof Location desktop app for Debian #debian #gps #location #debianinstaller #geolocation
#debian #gps #location #debianinstaller #geolocation
Download a .deb file without installing on a non debian device without using apt #2004 #deb #debian #curl #debianinstaller
#deb #debian #curl #debianinstaller
I tried to install Debian-12 and now I stuck on page whenever I click on "Graphical Install" it shows some errors ( my device HP 245 G5 4gb ram, amd) #boot #debian #debianinstaller
#boot #debian #debianinstaller
Recap: #DebianInstaller Bookworm RC 4 was planned around end of May.
Another occurrence of #MissionAccomplished!
→ https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2023/05/msg00003.html
#debianinstaller #missionaccomplished
How is this #DebianInstaller session going, you ask? Current mood is “the SVG whisperer”.
This is one of the longest mails I've written during this release cycle, with lots of thinking and anticipating over the past few weeks.
Let's see if the upcoming #DebianInstaller RC 3 and RC 4 can be managed in the way I envisioned…
→ https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2023/05/msg00173.html
This is one of the longest mails I've written during this release cycle, with lots of thinking and anticipating over the past few weeks.
Let's see if the upcoming #DebianInstaller RC 3 and RC 4 can be managed in the way I envisioned… https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2023/05/msg00173.html
It's time for a new #DebianInstaller release: Debian Installer Bookworm RC 2
→ https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2023/04/msg00008.html
@debacle If users want to give #Bookworm a try, a #DebianInstaller Bookworm RC 2 is cooking, hopefully built and published tomorrow.
(The RC 1 is fine too if you're in a hurry, but we have squashed some more bugs since then.)
Getting #DebianInstaller ready for #Bookworm, current to-do list: https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/debian-installer/-/issues/1
Each issue gets ticked as soon as good progress is made, and will be struck out once everything is confirmed and released.
I know close to nothing about PowerPC (besides having owned and used an iBook G4 a long while ago), but it seems that I have a Linux kernel fix for #DebianInstaller on #ppc64el. \o/
Good news:
"The #DebianInstaller team is pleased to announce the first release candidate of the installer for #Debian12 "#Bookworm".
"We need your help to find bugs and further improve the installer, so please try it. Installation images, and everything else you will need are available at our web site."
#linux #debian #bookworm #debian12 #debianinstaller
Coming up next in #DebianInstaller via a change in the #linux packaging: support for touchpads “hidden” behind LPSS/I2C → https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/linux/-/merge_requests/685
Next user-visible change: fixing kernel panic when #DebianInstaller reloads the mt7921e module → https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/linux/-/merge_requests/673
That one isn't available in mainline yet (contrary to the Raspberry Pi commits mentioned earlier), hence the proactive patching on the @debian side.
@yrougy Je viens de terminer la rédaction de l'article (en anglais) mentionné pendant le live, rappelant le contexte et donnant un maximum de détails techniques relatifs à l'ajout de non-free-firmware dans #Debian en général et dans #DebianInstaller en particulier → https://debamax.com/blog/2023/02/27/debian-versus-non-free-firmware/
Ce dimanche 26 février, 21h CET, j'ai l'honneur d'être invité sur la chaîne https://www.twitch.tv/yorzian de l'ami @yrougy — il sera question des dernières évolutions dans #DebianInstaller, mais je révise également pour une petite séance #AskMeAnything autour de #Debian !
#debianinstaller #askmeanything #debian
While I didn't make a big fuss about it in the release announce, I think this brand new #DebianInstaller Bookworm Alpha 2 release might be the biggest game-changer regarding #debian user experience in the 20 years I've been around…
@oylenshpeegul @juliettetaka Speaking of which, I made sure we had all the bits for #DebianInstaller, but missed the desktop-base update in #unstable that updates material for desktop environments, sorry. The out of the box experience with the upcoming Debian Installer Bookworm Alpha 2 will be slightly strange, with “Debian 11” on the GDM screen, woops!