My #intelnuc server crashes once a week... The investigation is ongoing.
Set up kernel crash dump to have logs next time it happens.
For now, my main suspect is the system m.2 disk, because it can't finish long self-tests. Still smart return no errors.
Stay tuned.
#debian #debian11 #debianserver #homelab #selfhosted #homeserver
#intelnuc #debian #debian11 #debianserver #homelab #selfhosted #HomeServer
Scheinbar hat #DebianDesktop was gegen mich. Ich hab mit mehreren iso's und Netinstaller versucht es zu installieren, doch läuft einfach nicht.
#DebianServer läuft problemlos.
Hatte das Problem einst mit #LinuxMint welches auch nur teilweise gelaufen ist.
Ich bin mir inzwischen sicher, mein Laptop ist nicht zu allem kompatibel.
Wird Zeit für nen neuen (gebrauchten) Rechner.
#linuxmint #debianserver #DebianDesktop
Planning to try #Fedora server mainly for #BTRFS. I've always used #Debian or #Ubuntu for my personal servers. BTRFS is one of my favorite Linux file systems esp for #NAS and backups.
It is possible to manually install btrfs on Debian/Ubuntu but involves a manual process (unless there is something I am missing). Fedora uses BTRFS by default so planning to try that out on one of the backup machines and see how it goes. Any thoughts?
#FedoraServer #DebianServer #UbuntuServer #BTRFS #EXT4 #Linux
#Fedora #btrfs #debian #ubuntu #nas #fedoraserver #debianserver #ubuntuserver #ext4 #linux