Back to #DebianNext work now that #Bookworm is out. Uploaded #KDE Frameworks 5.107 to unstable yesterday.
#Bookworm has 5.103 and I'd like to find the time and motivation to backport some of the most important fixes of more recent releases into it.
If you're experiencing some issues known to be fixed in recent frameworks versions on #DebianStable feel free to highlight them and I'll try and prioritizes these (no promises).
#debian #debianstable #kde #bookworm #debiannext
Debian 12 “Bookworm” Officially Released, Here’s What’s New
Now I've done it. This is not going to end well. I'm now running #debianTesting, #bookworm on my main rig.
I've been #debianStable kind of guy for years and years... "Ah shit. Here we go again."
#debiantesting #bookworm #debianstable #Debian
@birnim My preferences evolved over 20 years. 🙂
Window manager: #WindowMaker -> #Fluxbox -> #FVWM -> #xmonad -> #i3wm.
#tmux replaced #screen at some point, just a nicer UI.
In the past I used #midnightcommander more, until #ranger came along, I like #vi bindings.
Browser: #NetscapeNavigator -> #Mozilla -> #Firefox -> #GoogleChrome -> #Firefox.
#vim is used the longest on the list.
I tend to stick to what's available on #DebianStable, so I didn't try #neovim for some time. I might try it.
#neovim #debianstable #vim #googlechrome #Firefox #mozilla #netscapenavigator #vi #ranger #midnightcommander #screen #tmux #i3wm #xmonad #fvwm #fluxbox #windowmaker
I'm reading a book about the ancient Egyptian writing system and I'm no longer upset about Debian stable.
When you use dock but don't want to be guessing where it ends...
Cuando usas dock pero no quieres estar adivinando en donde termina...
#neofetch #nordictheme #librewolf #debianstable #xfce #dock
Ja, passt schon. #debianstable ist nicht für neuste Pakete bekannt 🤣.
Manchmal sind extra Pakete wie #backports and #flatpak für mein Setup notwendig.
#flatpak #backports #debianstable
Yep ... I also like that my personal and work machines _always_ boot up when I need them. And I need working SW, not the newest one. That is why I ditched everything else and stick with #debianstable.
@antanicus @tbernard
I made a joke "on myself" being a proud #debianstable user 🤣🤣🤣
Genau deshalb nutze ich privat Windows nicht. Immer wenn ich meinen Rechner schnell brauche, lande ich beim Update. Deshalb #debianstable und gut ist.
What is the #bestthingabout #debianstable?
Every time you turn on your computer, you KNOW it will work and updates will 99,99% not brake your machine.
So install #debianstable on your laptop, if you need computer that just works when you need it.