m3t00🌎 · @m3t00
86 followers · 2021 posts · Server mstdn.party
Rocky Carr · @RockyC
231 followers · 1928 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I wished that we lived in some cool sci-fi future where I could put a helmet on my head and transmit my headache, head pressure, vertigo, & molasses brain directly to my doctor’s head so she can understand just how this is every single day.

Fuck that. Transmit it directly to the fuckers at the Cigna who won’t pay for the Long Covid clinic because it’s “out of network.”

#debilitating #LongCovid

Last updated 2 years ago

Poptheart · @Poptheart
33 followers · 594 posts · Server mastodon.social
Denise Pouchet · @DenisePouchet
112 followers · 430 posts · Server mastodon.world

Big weekend trying out Mastedon.

Enjoying being on @mastodon.world. Viewpoints from all the continents except so far. I'm certain that won't be far behind!

Wish I had more energy to cram Mastodon learning. Living with has limitations, varying wildly day by day, hour by hour.

Following far and wide, eager to embrace opportunity to engage in the unknown, unknowns of our global society. And I'm keen on photos too.

I shall return, anon!

#Antartica #chronic #debilitating #rarediseases #cat

Last updated 2 years ago