Thinking back over this: Pence has not been espeecially visible on the national stage, and
had the opportunitty to show that there is someone principled, honest, fact-based, science respecting, fundamentally conservative in a traditional sense, believing in and upholding principles of US Democracy and the Constitution.
A message that might resonate with traditional (non-Trumpist) Republicans, as well as independents and even swing-vvoting Democrats. Signs that there is in fact an adult im the room.
He failed in this entirely.
That might play to the Trump base. It repells all others.
Harris's biggest evasion as with Biden's: Court Packing.
Prediction: A Dem administration, backed by a Congressional sweep, will see very much deserved reform of the Federal Judiciary. The Dems won't tip their hand as to specifics, but there is a plan.
(Or, more likely, multiple competing ones.)
As for the fly, you know what they're attracted to.
No committment on accepting a peaceful transfer of power from either the GOP presidential or VP candidates.
Q: To Pence, what will you do if Trump does not resspect the vote.
Pence: Refuses to answer question. "We will win", and reitigates 2016, lying about it.
"Tried to impeach' --- no, they DID immpeach GOP Senate refused to hear witnesses or vote to convict.
Harris: Trump openly committed to disrupt the vote.
How could a debate that was broadcast in full be “selectively edited” by the media?
-- Lisa Lerer | NYT
BTW, Harris called for expungement of marijuana possession convictions.
Harris cuts to bone on Trump's white nationalist and neonazi eanings. And Pence again is shook.
Harris: I won't sit here on this stage adletred y the Vice Pesident of the United States what it mens to prosecute crimes.
Pence: There's no excuse for what happened to George Floyd, but there's no excuse for the rioting and looting that followed.
One out of two ... ain't nearly good enough.
Harris schools Pence on SCOTUS nomination history.
"I'm trying to answer you now."
Pence is filibustering her responce.
"I sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee'. Let's talk packing the ccourt.
Pence is soft-peddeling abortion. The classic wedge issue seems now to be a vulnerability --- it will mobilize Dems more than GOP.
Harris just smashed Pence into a bloody pulp and swept the stage with what was left over the areas of national intelligence, foreign relations, defence, the military, and veterans.
And Pence is seriously shook by this. It's a massive GOP weakness and he knows it.
Harris: There's a wierd obsession in the Trump admin of dismantelling anything created by Obama & Biden..
Pence avoids saying whether climate change is an existential threat. (NYT)