On May 25, 1962, The Innocents debuted in West Germany. Here’s some Deborah Kerr art to celebrate!
#TheInnocents #JackClayton #DeborahKerr #PsychologicalHorror #GothicHorror #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #GothicHorrorArt #PeriodHorrorFilm Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theinnocents #jackclayton #deborahkerr #psychologicalhorror #GothicHorror #horror #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorart #gothichorrorart #periodhorrorfilm #movieart #moviehistory
On May 25, 1962, The Innocents debuted in West Germany. Here’s some Deborah Kerr art to celebrate!
#TheInnocents #JackClayton #DeborahKerr #PsychologicalHorror #GothicHorror #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #GothicHorrorArt #PeriodHorrorFilm Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theinnocents #jackclayton #deborahkerr #psychologicalhorror #GothicHorror #horror #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorart #gothichorrorart #periodhorrorfilm #movieart #moviehistory
59 years ago:
The Chalk Garden (GB,US)
A grandmother seeks a governess for her 16 year old granddaughter, Laurel, who manages to drive away each and every one so far by exposing their past, with a record of three in one week! When an applicant with a mysterious past manages to get the job, Laurel vows to expose her. Meanwhile, Laurel's m...
#TheChalkGarden #DeborahKerr #HayleyMills #JohnMills #Universal #Film
#thechalkgarden #deborahkerr #hayleymills #johnmills #universal #film
66 years ago:
Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (US)
A Roman Catholic nun and a hard-bitten US Marine are stranded together on a Japanese-occupied island in the South Pacific during World War II. Under constant threat of discovery by a ruthless enemy, they hide in a cave and forage for food together. Their forced companionship and the struggle for sur...
#HeavenKnowsMrAllison #JohnHuston #DeborahKerr #RobertMitchum #20thCenturyFox #ClassicFilm
#heavenknowsmrallison #johnhuston #deborahkerr #robertmitchum #20thcenturyfox #classicfilm
A few more #31DaysOfOscar #movies on #tcm.
#Sunday was dedicated to 9 #WarMovies of various types that should appeal to both pacifists and militarists, incl. the original #AllQuietOnTheWesternFront (1930 #Oscar winner).
#Directors & #actors include #FredZinnemann, #GregoryPeck, #DeborahKerr, #LaurenceOlivier & #MontgomeryClift.
Most of the titles will remain available for a while on the TCM app.
#oscars #classicmovies #TCMParty #cinema #Film #movie #montgomeryclift #laurenceolivier #deborahkerr #GregoryPeck #FredZinnemann #actors #directors #oscar #allquietonthewesternfront #warmovies #sunday #tcm #Movies #31daysofoscar
74 years ago:
Edward, My Son (UK)
Following the death of his only son, a ruthless businessman reflects on his life, his unhappy marriage and his questionable parenting skills.
#EdwardMySon #GeorgeCukor #DeborahKerr #JamesDonald #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#edwardmyson #georgecukor #deborahkerr #jamesdonald #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Deborah Kerr in ““Quo Vadis”
#TCMParty #QuoVadis #DeborahKerr
#tcmparty #quovadis #deborahkerr
For #HappyJanuaryMovieChallenge @JanuaryMovie
Day 20 - Family - Family Meets Boy/Girlfriend/Partner for the First Time Scene..
#CaryGrant intros #DeborahKerr to his grandmother in An Affair to Remember...
#film #filmreview #moviemastodon #filmrecommendation #MovieRec #moviemastodon
#happyjanuarymoviechallenge #carygrant #deborahkerr #film #filmreview #moviemastodon #filmrecommendation #movierec
Hayley #Mills perfettamente perfida, Deborah #Kerr sempre eccezionale. Che duo e che film!
#cinema #ilgiardinodigesso #deborahkerr #hayleymills #johnmills #ronaldneame
#mills #kerr #cinema #ilgiardinodigesso #deborahkerr #hayleymills #johnmills #ronaldneame
“Years from now, when you talk about this —and you will— be kind.”
Deborah Kerr in Tea and Sympathy
#teaandsymphathy #minnelli #vincenteminnelli #deborahkerr #robertanderson #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#teaandsymphathy #minnelli #vincenteminnelli #deborahkerr #robertanderson #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
Burt Lancaster & Deborah Kerr filming the famous beach scene in FROM HERE TO ETERNITY
#burtlancaster #deborahkerr #movies #film #fromheretoeternity #beaches
#beaches #fromheretoeternity #film #movies #deborahkerr #burtlancaster
4 ghost movies you need to see.
The Uninvited (Lewis Allen, 1944)
The Innocents (Jack Clayton, 1961)
The Haunting (Robert Wise, 1963)
Immortal Love AKA Hellish Love (Chûsei Sone, 1972)
#ghostmovies #horrormovies #horror #FilmMastodon #classicmovies #cultmovies #LewisAllen #JackClayton #RobertWise #ChuseiSone #RayMilland #DeborahKerr #ClaireBloom #ShirleyJackson #ghosts #ghoststories
#ghostmovies #horrormovies #horror #FilmMastodon #classicmovies #cultmovies #lewisallen #jackclayton #robertwise #chuseisone #raymilland #deborahkerr #clairebloom #ShirleyJackson #ghosts #GhostStories
Why have I never seen #BlackNarcissus with the lovely #DeborahKerr? https://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/18/arts/18iht-19kerr.5.7948545.html