As if #universitychallenge has just had a round on #Debord. I do hope my students got 3/3!
The Decline and Fall of the Spectacle-Commodity Economy
Guy Debord on LA riots
#guydebord #debord #Situationism #postmodernism
“Our era accumulates powers and imagines itself as rational. But no one recognizes these powers as their own. Nowhere is there any entry to adulthood. The only thing that happens is that this long restlessness sometimes eventually evolves into a routinized sleep. Because no one ceases to be kept under guardianship. The point is not to recognize that some people live more or less poorly than others, but that we all live in ways that are out of our control.”
— Guy Debord, Critique of Separation
#debord #situationist #alienation
“This advertisement for Eumig cameras (summer 1967) evokes with great accuracy the glaciation of individual life inverted in the spectacular perspective: the present surrenders to being immediately lived as memory. Through this spacialization of time, which submits to the illusory order of a permanently accessible present, time and life are lost together.”
#Situationist #SituationistInternational #Situ #Debord #Vaneigem
#situationist #situationistinternational #situ #debord #vaneigem
“Max Stirner was not wrong to say that all moralists have slept in the bed of religion...”
From the SI's critique of Louis Janover of the journal Front Noir. Internationale Situationniste #11 (October 1967).
#Stirner #egoism #situationist #situ #debord #morality
"The strength and the weakness of the real anarchist struggle resides in its viewing the goal of proletarian revolution as immediately present ..."
- Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle
#anarchism #debord #Situationism
Nikocado Avocado is the Debord we need but we don't deserve
"We are feeding those who are hungry for actual entertainment, people are so hungry"
"This is a sick sick show for a sick sick world, and we are achieving exactly what we want"
"Can't wait for it to be over"
"It's gonna be over, and it is gonna be quite the show"
"TikTok will love it!"
#NikocadoAvocado #Debord #Extinction #TikTok #Ferragni
#Ferragni #TikTok #extinction #debord #NikocadoAvocado
#prepper my bug-out survival kit…
#debord #bourdieu #baudrillard #lamborn_wilson
#prepper #debord #bourdieu #baudrillard #lamborn_wilson
Another book that has very alluring writing is Society of the Spectacle by Guy #Debord:
The first stage of the economy’s domination of social life brought about an evident degradation of being into having—human fulfillment was no longer equated with what one was, but with what one possessed. ...
@miiakosonen @alasaarela @mmin
Varsinkin systeemeistä, joista jokaisessa oma sovellus / intra / muu haluaisi tarjota oman mini-somensa ja somea imitoivat toiminnot, muistuu mieleen Guy Debordin luonnehdinta (tavara tässä = esim. ohjelmisto, yritys, alusta)
”Jokainen yksittäinen tavara taistelee omasta puolestaan, on kykenemätön tunnustamaan toisia tavaroita ja yrittää asettaa itsensä kaikkialle ikään kuin se olisi yksin.”
Gyu Debord, Spektaakkelin yhteiskunta, 2005 (alkup. 1967), 65 #Debord
I'm particularly interested in Max #Stirner and his relation to #Hegel, #GermanIdealism, #Marx, #Engels, and #Marxism, #Feuerbach and other #YoungHegelian thinkers, #anarchy and #anarchism, #phenomenology, #existentialism, #situationists like #Debord and #Vaneigem, and #philosophy more generally.
#stirner #hegel #germanidealism #Marx #engels #marxism #feuerbach #younghegelian #anarchy #anarchism #phenomenology #existentialism #situationists #debord #vaneigem #philosophy
oggi a Palermo c'è un convegno straordinario sul falso, la falsificazione dei documenti, la scrittura del falso e la cultura araba in Sicilia, si parlerà anche della storia dell'abate Vella, il falsario protagonista del romanzo di Sciascia "Il consiglio d'Egitto"
#Sciascia #Debord @OCRbot
Lunedì a Zagabria un altro incontro straordinario sulle spie e i doppiogiochisti nei Balcani Medievali intitolato "Accidental Spies" #cagliostro #casanova #histodons @histodons
#histodons #casanova #cagliostro #debord #Sciascia
Je vois passer cette fameuse citation, et je me demande tout d'un coup si "un monde *réellement* renversé" fait plus de taches sur le tapis que juste "un monde renversé"... #Debord
Xi steamrolling the term limits the CCP created to limit cult-of-personality dynamics seems validating of #Debord's observations on the role of C-o-P's for authoritarian regimes:
"Stalinism was the reign of terror within the bureaucratic class itself. The terrorism at the base of this class’s power must also strike this class because it possesses no juridical guarantee, no recognized existence as owning class, which it could extend to every one of its members." 1/
first draft of an essay on twitter and shitposting as anti-capitalist activism
#twitter #Capitalism #CriticalTheory #Deleuze #Guattari #Debord #Baudrillard
#baudrillard #debord #guattari #deleuze #criticaltheory #capitalism #twitter
Amazing new episode from Philosophize This! about Guy Debord’s masterpiece: “Society of the Spectacle”.
“For the present age, which prefers the sign to the things signified, the copy to the original, representation to reality, appearance to essence, illusion only is sacred, truth profaned. […] the highest degree of illusion comes to be the highest degree of sacredness.”
#philosophy #criticaltheory #debord #capitalism #politics #socialism #communism #marxism
#marxism #communism #socialism #politics #capitalism #debord #criticaltheory #philosophy
« La médecine aujourd’hui n’a plus le droit de défendre la santé de la population contre l’environnement pathogène, car ce serait s’opposer à l’État, ou seulement à l’industrie pharmaceutique. »
Guy #DEBORD, "Commentaires sur la société du spectacle", 1988.
#médecine #santé #BigPharma
#debord #médecine #santé #bigpharma