Formation History of HD106906 and the Vertical Warping of #DebrisDisks by an External Inclined Companion: ("We explore the possibility that a recent close encounter with a #freefloatingplanet could produce a companion with orbital parameters that agree with observations of #HD106906b. We find that this scenario is able to recreate the structure of the debris disk while producing a companion in agreement with observation") ->
#hd106906b #freefloatingplanet #debrisdisks
Astronomers Directly Image a Jupiter-Sized Planet Orbiting a Sunlike Star #spectro-polarimetrichigh-contrastexoplanetresearch #transitingexoplanetsurveysatellite #protoplanetarydisk #verylargetelescope #infraredastronomy #debrisdisks #solarsystem #astronomy #featured #sphere #tess
#transitingexoplanetsurveysatellite #protoplanetarydisk #solarsystem #astronomy #featured #verylargetelescope #infraredastronomy #spectro #debrisdisks #sphere #tess