RT Diana Vieira
#DYK what happens to #soils after #wildfires?
Among others #postfire impacts affect #soilhealth, #waterquality, #biodiversity and can drive #flashfloods, #debrisflows, & #landslides
This and other infographics on the #FEMME project web https://femme.web.ua.pt/
#RoadtoSoilLaw https://t.co/ZNvz5CPvUu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Dicasivi/status/1674714080408477697
#DYK #soils #wildfires #postfire #soilhealth #WaterQuality #biodiversity #flashfloods #debrisflows #Landslides #femme #RoadToSoilLaw
Multimodal Multiscale Characterization Of Cascading Hazard On Mountain Terrain [Nepal]
https://doi.org/10.1080/19475705.2022.2162443 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Nepal #pluvial #precipitation #rain #snow #mountain #terrain #water #hydrology #sediment #risk #hazard #himalayas #hazardmitigation #riskmanagement #floods #flooding #massmovement #landslides #geomorphology #engineeringgeology #debrisflows #erosion #economy #infrastructure #publicsafety #model #modeling #prediction #engineering #solutions #hydroclimate
#gis #spatial #mapping #Nepal #pluvial #precipitation #rain #snow #mountain #terrain #water #hydrology #sediment #risk #hazard #himalayas #hazardmitigation #riskmanagement #floods #flooding #massmovement #landslides #geomorphology #engineeringgeology #debrisflows #erosion #economy #infrastructure #publicsafety #model #modeling #prediction #engineering #solutions #hydroclimate
Santa Barbara Fire Safe Council: Tomorrow's guest speaker is Larry Gurrola, Ph.D. His presentation is titled "Post-Fire Flood History, emphasizing Debris Flows and Landslide Dam Outbreak." To access this meeting, click this link https://sbfiresafecouncil.org/meetings/ (thanks @cookiesinheaven !) #wildfires #debrisflows #landslides
#wildfires #debrisflows #landslides