I am still reading through last week's papers -- out of habit our household reads the Guardian. Here is Chloé Farand on Ghana's energy transition, being forced ino LNG contracts and debt justice. 'LNG requires gas to be to liquefied, shipped and then regasified. This energy-hungry process makes LNG more carbon-intensive than ordinary gas and increases the risk of leaking methane – a potent greenhouse gas contributing to climate change.' https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/04/ghana-lng-imports-fossil-fuel-debt
#ghana #debtjustice #fossilfuels
'Anti-poverty campaigners say the World Bank should shrug off the threats of credit agencies and rush to rescue countries that are cutting education and health budgets to meet debt costs, if, like Zambia and Sri Lanka, they are not bust already.' #Zambia -- which managed a successful democratic transfer of power at its last election -- is experiencing the slow violence of the international system and that is also 'news'. #DebtJustice #AfricanPolitics https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jan/10/world-bank-walking-tightrope-as-it-mulls-increased-lending-to-poorest
#zambia #debtjustice #africanpolitics
Have been reading some of the analysis of the DRC's objection at #COP15 -- here's is Patrick Greenfield's. If you have seen others that are good please add them. The #DRC is at war in the east, a situation that is worsening. It would be good to find at least some analysis that integrated more than one current aspect of major international moments like this; there must be some from #DebtJustice campaigners that I have not found yet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/19/objection-by-drc-sours-paradigm-changing-cop15-biodiversity-deal
Wir sind auch endlich mit dabei und #neuhier.
Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch zu verschiedenen Themen #Klimakrise #Klimagerechtigkeit #Rohstoffwende #Lieferkettengesetz #DebtJustice #Steuergerechtigkeit #Handelspolitik und vieles mehr.
#neuhier #klimakrise #klimagerechtigkeit #rohstoffwende #lieferkettengesetz #debtjustice #steuergerechtigkeit #handelspolitik
"‘Time may be running out’: global debt crisis reaches critical point." https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/oct/13/time-may-be-running-out-chronicle-of-a-debt-crisis-foretold?utm_source=Debt+Justice+mailing+list&utm_campaign=25c240d69d-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_10_19_03_15GWAVideo_Zak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_046a95cfed-25c240d69d-1200034930 #debtjustice