Do people who use to #fiatCurrencies, like #USD or #AUD know they've been trolled every single day of their life?
#debtSlavery #modernSlavery #centralBanks #theFed #usury #freedomSoftware #whatIsBitcoin
#fiatCurrencies #usd #AUD #debtslavery #modernslavery #centralBanks #thefed #Usury #freedomsoftware #whatIsBitcoin
#bougie #wageslavery #debtslavery #revolution #abolition #antistate #qeld #pauperpit
#bougie #wageslavery #debtslavery #Revolution #Abolition #AntiState #qeld #pauperpit
This Is The Greediest "Non-Profit" Hospital In America
Most of America's hospitals are "nonprofits" that increasingly exist to enrich executives by leveraging huge tax breaks.
We found the greediest one of all, UPMC in Pittsburgh, where execs raked in $225 million while miring working class patients in medical debt.
#debtslavery #greed #nonprofit #profitmotive #structuralviolence #impunity #death
#debtslavery #greed #nonprofit #profitmotive #structuralviolence #impunity #death
Making that connection between immigration and #debtSlavery/#humanTrafficking is not intuitive to most, many believe its ending poverty. There's a very small number (#StateDept and #MilitaryGenerals that will know). The #footSoldiers can think they are #mercenaries and #spreadingDemocracy and #theFaith. Deep down they probably know they are engaging in #abuse and #derascination though.
People seem to be slowing understanding the tricks of #empire though (arming #fascists etc) but its slow.
#debtslavery #statedept #militaryGenerals #footSoldiers #mercenaries #spreadingdemocracy #theFaith #abuse #derascination #empire #fascists
Not to sound conspiratorial, but most of the time they aim to make us sick.
The only time they want to actually kill us is when we explain that we are of the #AustrianSchool of #economics and thus value #saving.
#warOnSavers #centralBanks #deleteKeynesianism #banksters #bankerCrimes #inflation #stealthTax #debtSlavery #whyBitcoinCore
#austrianSchool #economics #saving #warOnSavers #centralBanks #deleteKeynesianism #banksters #bankerCrimes #inflation #stealthTax #debtslavery #whyBitcoinCore
What if there existed a company that is likely to learn how much you have in the #bank and which #homes and or #land that you are looking at moving into?
Does anyone else see the intense danger here, especially if there was some kind of #dataBreach?
Anyway, that company is #Cloudflare.
#bigTech #wallStreet #debtSlavery #bigData #cyberThreat #bankerCrimes #crimeAgainstHumanity #malware #tooBigToExist #virus #cloudflareIsTheMalware
#bank #homes #land #databreach #cloudflare #bigtech #wallstreet #debtslavery #bigdata #cyberthreat #bankerCrimes #crimeagainsthumanity #malware #tooBigToExist #virus #cloudflareIsTheMalware
If bitcoin was a nation and that nation was using 40-70% #renewables, you'd be impressed.
How then have the arbiters of culture, and the #mainstreamPress and #socialMedia been able to poison your mind against it?
Meditate on that.
#renewables #mainstreampress #socialmedia #warOnSavers #cbdc #CentralBankDigitalCurrency #debtslavery
Well said. Its #banker and #CEO based #debtSlavery.
A lot of CEOs are rebranded generals. There's a huge cross-section that are actual #psychopaths too.
The suit and tie, and #mediaTraining just helps them get away with their #kleptocratic and #antisocial behaviour.
Just wait till they try to introduce CentralBankDigitalCurrencies (#CBDC) and ban physical currency and crypto.
#banker #ceo #debtslavery #psychopaths #mediaTraining #kleptocratic #antisocial #cbdc #CBDCs #neofeudalism #getNEOed
Will #fiatCurrency eventually be understood as a religious cult in which #papalIndulgences via #centralBanking are handed to #bankers and their #JeffreyEpsteinClass of mates, who #sacrificeChildren into #debtSlavery for #cronyCapitalism in the hopes of personal power and prestige (and to pay for war via a #silentTax called #inflation)?
#fiatCurrency #centralBanking #bankers #papalIndulgences #jeffreyEpsteinClass #sacrificeChildren #debtslavery #cronycapitalism #silentTax #inflation #bitcoinfixesthis #cryptocurrency
RT @RD_btc
Being in debt is neither natural or healthy, the fiat standard has normalised debt from the top down.
#Bitcoin fixes this..
"Ban #abortion because we need more #consumers and #workers."
Fu$k no.
#healthcare #prochoice #religion #slavery #debtslavery #neofeudalism #controllingWomen #businessCouncil #businessRoundtable #plannedParenthood
#abortion #consumers #workers #healthcare #prochoice #religion #slavery #debtslavery #neofeudalism #controllingWomen #BusinessCouncil #BusinessRoundtable #plannedparenthood
We agree on the premises of 2 and 3 but we doubt the efficacy of 1, given that #workerCoaxing and #workerExpoitation are still rife.
#migrantExploitation #wageSlavery #confidenceTrickery #tysonfoods #businessRoundtable #abattoirWorkers #meatConsumption #propertyCouncil #growthPushers #slums #sanFrancisco #losangeles #homelessness #urbanSprawl #gentrification #debtSlavery #overdevelopment #drugwar #racketeering
#workerCoaxing #workerExpoitation #migrantExploitation #wageslavery #confidenceTrickery #tysonfoods #BusinessRoundtable #abattoirWorkers #meatConsumption #PropertyCouncil #growthPushers #slums #sanfrancisco #losangeles #homelessness #urbanSprawl #gentrification #debtslavery #overdevelopment #drugwar #racketeering
#Debtslavery: #Trump plans to gut the Student Loan Forgiveness Program, apparently because students should pay their debts, something Trump has repeatedly shown himself unwilling to do.